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Syntax-Based Analysis of Programming Concepts in Python Martin Možina(B) and Timotej Lazar Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract. Writing programs is essential to learning programming. Most programming courses encourage students to practice with lab and homework assignments. By analyzing solutions to these exercises teachers can discover mistakes and concepts students are struggling with, and use that knowledge to improve the course. Students however tend to submit many different programs even for simple exercises, making such analysis difficult. We propose using tree regular expressions to encode common patterns in programs. Based on these patterns we induce rules describing common approaches and mistakes for a given assignment. In this paper we present a case study of rule-based analysis for an introductory Python exercise. We show that our rules are easy to interpret, and can be learned from a relatively small set of programs. Keywords: Learning programming · Educational data analysis Error diagnosis · Abstract syntax tree · Tree regular expressions 1 Introduction Providing feedback to students is among the most time-consuming tasks when teaching programming. In large courses with hundreds of students, feedback is therefore often limited to automated program testing. While test cases can reliably determine whether a program is correct or not, they cannot easily be associated ...
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