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Personal Reflective Report Project Management Tools And Method 1

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Personal Reflective Report: Project Management Tools and Method
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Overview of the Project
With the increased usage of the internet, the project aims at taking advantage of the
internet’s prevalence. Equally, our project aims at integrating the stated advantage of the internet
and the hiccups that have been experienced in learning to create a solution of enabling flexible
and efficient learning through an online platform. YouTube has been a social media platform that
has invited many people to rely on online platforms to increase their knowledge through availed
learning materials. The project will aim at creating a YouTube channel that will be a learning
resource. The YouTube channel can be used by the tutors to supplement the teaching strategies.
In order to access more users, the project will offer free resources that scholars can use as
reference material. The project will operate through regular uploading of tutorials to show the
daily lives of international students in London. The YouTube channel will focus on how
international students lead their lives by focusing on restaurants, city farms, as well as markets
that provide them with the everyday needs they are used to while at home. The main goal of the
YouTube channel is to focus on a wider audience so as to get more views. The projects target
college and university students aged between 18 and 28. The primary project objective is to
reach 1000 views and 500 likes for each of the videos uploaded within six months and reach 500
subscribers within the first six months. This report aims at discussing the project’s management
tools and methods, and the lessons I learnt from the project.
Project Management Tools and Method
The performance of the project needs to be monitored to ensure that the set objective is set.
The chosen framework to use in the management is the Telos and Risk Severity Matrix.
Telos Framework

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Running head: PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND METHOD Personal Reflective Report: Project Management Tools and Method Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND METHOD 2 Overview of the Project With the increased usage of the internet, the project aims at taking advantage of the internet’s prevalence. Equally, our project aims at integrating the stated advantage of the internet and the hiccups that have been experienced in learning to create a solution of enabling flexible and efficient learning through an online platform. YouTube has been a social media platform that has invited many people to rely on online platforms to increase their knowledge through availed learning materials. The project will aim at creating a YouTube channel that will be a learning resource. The YouTube channel can be used by the tutors to supplement the teaching strategies. In order to access more users, the project will offer free resources that scholars can use as reference material. The project will operate through regular uploading of tutorials to show the daily lives of international students in London. The YouTube channel will focus on how international students lead their lives by focusing on restaurants, city farms, as well as markets that provide them with the everyday needs they are used to while at home. The main goal of the YouTube channel is to focus on a wider audience so as to get more views. The projects target college and university students aged bet ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.
