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PSY -300 week -2 team issues in the work place

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Psychology In The Work Place: Issues
University Of Phoenix
In today’s society, most adult social interactions happen in the work place.
This is where issues, which are detrimental to a positive and successful work
environment, occur. There are several issues, which can cause problems in a
work setting. These issues can be effected or caused by perceptions, bias, or
stereotyping, or can be caused by misunderstanding of natural human behavior.
All these issues can lead to conflicts. This paper will show how an understanding
of psychology and its use in the work environment can prevent a lot of these
issues by giving examples of each of these issues and what is being done in
offices around the world to combat this problem. In a world that is becoming
more and more interracial and international, it is imperative what employers learn

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how to use psychology in their offices to create work environments, which take
the people who work for them into consideration.
The application of psychology to work place behaviors can be analyzed in
several ways. In the work environment leadership of employers, employees and
human behavior go hand in hand. In order to be successful and productive
employees must work together and try to resolve problems that may occur.
Human behavior is the result of attempts to satisfy certain needs. They may be
simple to understand, such as the need for food and water, or complex such as
the need for respect and acceptance. Behavior psychology (AKA Behaviorism) is
a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through
conditioning. According to behaviorism " behavior can be studied in a systematic
and observable manner with no consideration of internal mental states"(John
Watson 1930). As people grow and develop in their lives; they also develop
social attitudes, which strongly influence behavior. People internalize the
attitudes of the society around them by making the attitudes their own. People
then take their attitudes into their workplace, which can lead to conflicts among
coworkers. An example of this is when one coworker is not a team player. When
there is teamwork to be done, if this person does not work with the team but
instead manifests a pattern of avoiding the work, there can become an
environment what conflict can take place. If this behavior is not disciplined in an
appropriate manor, by the supervisor, the other employees will begin to harbor
resentment and anger towards both the supervisor and the worker causing the
problem. This can also lead others to perceive there being a lack of reprimand

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Psychology In The Work Place: Issues University Of Phoenix Introduction In today's society, most adult social interactions happen in the work place. This is where issues, which are detrimental to a positive and successful work environment, occur. There are several issues, which can cause problems in a work setting. These issues can be effected or caused by perceptions, bias, or stereotyping, or can be caused by misunderstanding of natural human behavior. All these issues can lead to conflicts. This paper will show how an understanding of psychology and its use in the work environment can prevent a lot of these issues by giving examples of each of these issues and what is being done in offices around the world to combat this problem. In a world that is becoming more and more interracial and international, it is imperative what employers learn how to use psychology in their offices to create work environments, which take the people who work for them into consideration. The application of psychology to work place behaviors can be analyzed in several ways.? In the work environment leadership of employers, employees and human behavior go hand in hand. In order to be successful and productive employees must work together and try to resolve problems that may occur. Human behavior is the result of attempts to satisfy certain needs.? They may be simple to understand, such as the need for food and water, or complex such as the need for respect and acceptance. Behavior psycholo ...
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