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Case Study Analysis Project Management At Mm

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Case Study Analysis: Project Management at MM
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Case Study Analysis Report: Project Management at MM
Werner McCann, the top project manager at MM
, is faced with the challenge of saving the
Green Project before it is declared a failure. Three months to the project’s deadline, McCann is
overwhelmed with information that reveals why the project is about to fail if nothing is done to
rescue the project. The project is faced with several risks of varying degrees most of which could
be foreseen and prevented. From the financial risks, to the technological risks to the management
risks that are threatening the project, it is irrefutable that McCann is faced with a variety of risks
that require different solutions if he and his team are to save the project and deliver the value they
promised to deliver the company at the onset of the project.
As stated in the case, to save the project, McCann needs both time, extra finances and an
effective team to achieve the desired goals and prevent the manifestation of future risks. However,
to identify what must be done, McCann must first identify all the current risks and categorize them
before identifying the optimal solution to each risk. Understanding the nature of each risk and the
level of threat the each risk poses is important in informing the project management team on what
risks must be prioritized in the risk management plans that will be created. After, McCann must
then identify the success facilitators so as to reinforce the efforts of those success factors. McCann
must then list all the barriers to success that his project is experiencing before further identifying
how to manage and eliminate the barriers (Smith and McKeen, 2009).
Once the barriers are identified, McCann can make informed decisions on how to best approach
the elimination of each barrier. Lastly, McCann should then create an informed and accurate plan

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Running head: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AT MM2 Case Study Analysis: Project Management at MM2 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AT MM2 2 Case Study Analysis Report: Project Management at MM2 Introduction Werner McCann, the top project manager at MM2, is faced with the challenge of saving the Green Project before it is declared a failure. Three months to the project’s deadline, McCann is overwhelmed with information that reveals why the project is about to fail if nothing is done to rescue the project. The project is faced with several risks of varying degrees most of which could be foreseen and prevented. From the financial risks, to the technological risks to the management risks that are threatening the project, it is irrefutable that McCann is faced with a variety of risks that require different solutions if he and his team are to save the project and deliver the value they promised to deliver the company at the onset of the project. As stated in the case, to save the project, McCann needs both time, extra finances and an effective team to achieve the desired goals and prevent the manifestation of future risks. However, to identify what must be done, McCann must first identify all the current risks and categorize them before identifying the optimal solution to each risk. Understanding the nature of each risk and the level of threat the each risk poses is important in informing the project management team on what risks must be prioritized i ...
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