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Gesture control technology

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Gesture Control Technology: An investigation on the potential use in Higher Education. 1. Introduction For decades, keyboards and mouse have been the main input devices for computers. However, with the rising popularity of ubiquitous and ambient devices, (i.e. PlayStations), and equipment which allows users to grasp virtual objects, hand or body gesture are becoming essential: gesture controls have become central to the human computer interaction system. 2. Gesture Control Technology Gesture control technology is based on gesture recognition. Gesture recognition can be seen as a way for computers to begin to understand human body language. Compared to the primitive user interfaces, such as keyboard and mouse, it builds a richer bridge between the computers and humans. Gesture control devices recognize and interpret human body movements, allowing the user to interact with a computer system. 2.1 Gesture Control Technology development milestones Gesture control technology is developing quickly and changing many aspects of our life. Gesture control devices began from the very primitive input devices to fine detail recognition. These devices are used in a much wider range, from research experiments and prototypes to day-to-day commercial products. Research on gesture control technology can be dated back to as early as the 1980s. The first step was to use voice control and special hand gloves to interact with objects on a large screen (1). From the 1990s, gesture control techno ...
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