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Cuyamaca College
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Running Head: NUTRITION 1
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The research study by Soltani et al. (2020) on dietary approaches of stopping
hypertension mortality, concludes that diet high adherence reduces the risks associated with all-
cause and cause-specific mortality. The study also reveals that DASH diet modest adherence
usually translates to low all-cause and cause-specific mortality risks.
Although the increase in mortality among different communities has been attributed to
chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, health dietary patterns adherence plays a vital
role in preventing and controlling non-communicable diseases. Soltani et al. (2020) reveal that
dietary patterns, provides a comprehensive relationship between disease and diet, are also
preferred to food groups, individual nutrients, and food items. The study also presents a dietary
approach as a mechanism of stopping DASH as a healthy nutritional guideline. The holistic
approach to the diet includes whole grain, low-fat products, and vegetable and fruit consumption.
The study is driven by the fact-finding reviews that found out that DASH dietary patterns can
reduce some aspects of life mortality such as systolic and diastolic blood pressure. From the
article's perspective on the findings of the previous meta-analyses researches, the study
concludes that previous researches show an inverse relationship between the DASH diet and
health outcome because they performed a high-low imitation meta-analysis. Therefore, the study
centers on dose-response relationship shape, thus showing all-cause and cause-specific mortality
changes risks (Soltani et al., 2020).
The research article utilized methods such as study protocol, search strategy, eligibility
criteria, and data extraction. For the assessment of DASH diet adherence, the study utilized four
DASH diet scoring methods. The first method is the traditional DASH diet scoring that considers

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1 Running Head: NUTRITION Students name: Instructor: Affiliation: Date: 2 NUTRITION Current event The research study by Soltani et al. (2020) on dietary approaches of stopping hypertension mortality, concludes that diet high adherence reduces the risks associated with allcause and cause-specific mortality. The study also reveals that DASH diet modest adherence usually translates to low all-cause and cause-specific mortality risks. Although the increase in mortality among different communities has been attributed to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, health dietary patterns adherence plays a vital role in preventing and controlling non-communicable diseases. Soltani et al. (2020) reveal that dietary patterns, provides a comprehensive relationship between disease and diet, are also preferred to food groups, individual nutrients, and food items. The study also presents a dietary approach as a mechanism of stopping DASH as a healthy nutritional guideline. The holistic approach to the diet includes whole grain, low-fat products, and vegetable and fruit consumption. The study is driven by the fact-finding reviews that found out that DASH dietary patterns can reduce some aspects of life mortality such as systolic and diastolic blood pressure. From the article's perspective on the findings of the previous meta-analyses researches, the study concludes that previous researches show an inverse relationship between the DASH diet and health outcome because they perfor ...
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