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Revised Peer Review Article On Diabetes

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Article Review on Diabetes

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Article Review on Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes continues to be a global disease with the number expected to keep
increasing by 2050. The number of undiagnosed cases and pre-diabetics is also alarming in the
United States (Yang et al., 2019). The onset of Type 2 diabetes has been linked to lack of
physical activity and dietary choices that lead to obesity. Video games create a lot of sitting time
for the players which discourages physical exercises while encouraging increased snacking
(Kracht, Joseph & Staiano, 2020). There is a need for health promotion aimed at encouraging
physical activity, especially for those involved in video games that could lead to poor eating and
eventually, obesity.
Jashinsky et al. (2017) set up a study to investigate how computer games and screen time
contributed to physical activity and eating behavior in adolescents and how this increased the
risk for type 2 diabetes. The authors focused on the idle time that is spent either playing video
games or watching television and the eating behavior in between the process. The background
information revealed that past studies had linked screen time and video games time with poorer
diets which increased the chances of type 2 diabetes. The video games do not encourage physical
activity, and the player is seated during most of the time. The addiction to video games as well as
need to get to higher levels in the game rating has created a pattern of long game times.
Therefore, lack of physical activity could contribute to obesity as the player snack in between the
game and are not concerned about caloric intake.
Jashinsky et al. (2017) used adolescents in their study as they were the most prone to
video games and screen time. Using the national health and nutritional survey, the authors
recruited participants in the study aged between 12 and 17. The study questions aimed to

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Running head: ARTICLE REVIEW 1 Article Review on Diabetes Name Institution ARTICLE REVIEW 2 Article Review on Diabetes Type 2 diabetes continues to be a global disease with the number expected to keep increasing by 2050. The number of undiagnosed cases and pre-diabetics is also alarming in the United States (Yang et al., 2019). The onset of Type 2 diabetes has been linked to lack of physical activity and dietary choices that lead to obesity. Video games create a lot of sitting time for the players which discourages physical exercises while encouraging increased snacking (Kracht, Joseph & Staiano, 2020). There is a need for health promotion aimed at encouraging physical activity, especially for those involved in video games that could lead to poor eating and eventually, obesity. Jashinsky et al. (2017) set up a study to investigate how computer games and screen time contributed to physical activity and eating behavior in adolescents and how this increased the risk for type 2 diabetes. The authors focused on the idle time that is spent either playing video games or watching television and the eating behavior in between the process. The background information revealed that past studies had linked screen time and video games time with poorer diets which increased the chances of type 2 diabetes. The video games do not encourage physical activity, and the player is seated during most of the time. The addiction to video games as well as need to get to higher levels in the game ...
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