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PSY -300 -week -3 DQ 2.

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Week 3
DQ 2: Do you agree with Gardners theory of multiple intelligence? Why or why not?
I agree with Gardners theory of multiple intelligence, an example is two people can be
in a classroom doing the same work and one don’t do the class work, no studying but
pass all the test and the other get passing grades on the test but had to study. This
mean the two have different intelligence levels on how they learn or retain information.
Gardner theory shows that one person may be good in math but a poor reader or a
good reader and poor in math, does not mean that person cannot learn or not
Response 2
I agree with Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence. We all learn differently and excel
in different aspects. We all have a niche that we are good in and some of us have more
than one. Someone can be a great musician but never did well in school and they
would be considered intelligent in music. Some of us are considered "book smart" but
may not be "street smart" are good in social aspects. Growing up my parents always
had myself and my sisters involved in school academics, sports, and dance classes and
eventually we all chose the extracurricular activity that we were good at and excelled in
those areas and we all did good in school. I teach my children that we are all not great
at everything and we just need to find what we enjoy and are good at, and it can be
more than one thing, and concentrate on those items.
Response 3
I agree with Gardner's theory of Intelligence because it proves that we all learn in
different ways and some of us have stonger learning abilities than others. However, it
doesn't mean that one is not smart/intelligent but just different. For example I will admit
that I am weak in math, but I have strong skills in science, history, english, and spelling,
it doesn't mean that I'm not smart, but only that I have other intelligences that have
been developed more. Also, I agree about one intelligence depending on the
development of others and how normal it is to not be developed in all of the eight
intelligence that Garder developed.
Response 4

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Week 3 DQ 2:?Do you agree with?Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence? Why or why not? I agree with Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence, an example is two people can be in a classroom doing the same work and one don't do the class work, no studying??but pass all the test and the other get passing grades on the test but had to study. This mean the two have different intelligence levels on how they learn or retain information. Gardner theory shows that one person may be good in math but a poor reader or a good reader and poor in math, does not mean that person cannot learn or not intel ...
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