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Movie Response Paper

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Movie Response Paper
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Movie Response Paper
Mississippi Burning Movie
Mississippi Burning is a classic movie directed by Alan Parker in 1988. The film is based
on an investigation of Freedom Summer murders for Schwerner, Goodman, and Chaney, which
occurred in 1964. The murdered men were a group of civil rights workers who initially went
missing in Mississippi town. In response, the FBI sent agents Rupert Anderson and Alan Ward to
investigate the cause of their death. However, they encountered hostility from the local
population and authorities who refused to cooperate with them. The two agents disagreed and
fought over the best strategy to use after African Americans fear repercussions from locals by
assisting them. As a result, the two agreed to indict the Klan members for murders and
threatened a black man to reveal the cause of the killings. Aggressive and hard-liner tactics
helped them get information but had significant consequences.
The primary diversity issue in the movie entails racism and justice against particular
racial groups in the Mississippi town. Racism arises due to persistent prejudice and
discrimination against a targeted group. This contributes to the denial of justice of the minority
racial group in society. Racism and justice are critically illustrated in the movie based on how the
whites treated the black people and also the denial of justice of the murdered victims. The movie
shows black characters being submissive and passive in efforts to avoid racist violence from the
dominant whites. In another scene, the members of the Klan in the assistance of the police force
racially abuse the civil rights workers leading to their death. Subsequently, the murdered
individuals are denied justice with civil rights activities, and black people frequently threatened
and denied the right to speak.

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1 Movie Response Paper Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor Course Date MOVIE RESPONSE PAPER 2 Movie Response Paper Mississippi Burning Movie Mississippi Burning is a classic movie directed by Alan Parker in 1988. The film is based on an investigation of Freedom Summer murders for Schwerner, Goodman, and Chaney, which occurred in 1964. The murdered men were a group of civil rights workers who initially went missing in Mississippi town. In response, the FBI sent agents Rupert Anderson and Alan Ward to investigate the cause of their death. However, they encountered hostility from the local population and authorities who refused to cooperate with them. The two agents disagreed and fought over the best strategy to use after African Americans fear repercussions from locals by assisting them. As a result, the two agreed to indict the Klan members for murders and threatened a black man to reveal the cause of the killings. Aggressive and hard-liner tactics helped them get information but had significant consequences. The primary diversity issue in the movie entails racism and justice against particular racial groups in the Mississippi town. Racism arises due to persistent prejudice and discrimination against a targeted group. This contributes to the denial of justice of the minority racial group in society. Racism and justice are critically illustrated in the movie based on how the whites treated the black people and also the denial of justice of the murdered vic ...
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