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Running head: WEEK 5 PROJECT
Week 5 Project
AHS 1001
South University

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Departments of Endocrinology
The Department of Endocrinology primary fuction is to produce hormones that enter the
bloodstream and travel to targets. The endocrine system include the pituitary gland (regulates
body activities and stimulates other glands to secrete their specific hormones), thyroid gland
(make and store hormones that regulate the body), parathyroid gland (regulate calcium balance
by stimulating the bones, kidneys and intestines), adrenal gland (produce hormones to control
body activity), pancreatic gland(the pancreas secretes two other hormones through the islets of
Langerhan) pineal glands (secretes the hormone melatonin), thymus glands (the thymus
secretes thymosin), ovaries(female reproductive organ), and testes(produces spermatozoa).
Laboratory test include A1c test(blood test used to diagnose and manage type 1 and type
2 diabetes), fasting blood sugar (FBS) (test that measures glucose levels in a blood sample
following a fast of at least 8 hours), glucose tolerance test (GTT) (screening test in which a dose
of glucose is administered and blood samples are taken at regular intervals following the dose to
determine how quickly glucose is cleared from the blood) insulin tolerance test (ITT)(diagnostic
test in which insulin is injected into the vein, causing severe hypoglycemia to assess growth
hormone (GH) and cortisol reserve), thyroid function test (TFT) (test that detects an increase or
decrease in thyroid function),total calcium test (test that measures blood calcium levels to detect
bone and parathyroid disorders, malabsorption, or an overactive thyroid). Procedures include
parathyroidectomy( excision of one or more of the parathyroid glands, usually to control
hyperparathyroidism), thyroidectomy( excision of the entire thyroid gland a part of it, or a single
lobe),transsphenoidal hypophysectomy (endoscopic surgery to remove a pituitary tumor through
an incision in the sphenoid sinus without disturbing brain tissue)

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Running head: WEEK 5 PROJECT 1 Week 5 Project AHS 1001 South University WEEK 5 PROJECT 2 Departments of Endocrinology The Department of Endocrinology primary fuction is to produce hormones that enter the bloodstream and travel to targets. The endocrine system include the pituitary gland (regulates body activities and stimulates other glands to secrete their specific hormones), thyroid gland (make and store hormones that regulate the body), parathyroid gland (regulate calcium balance by stimulating the bones, kidneys and intestines), adrenal gland (produce hormones to control body activity), pancreatic gland(the pancreas secretes two other hormones through the islets of Langerhan) pineal glands (secretes the hormone melatonin), thymus glands (the thymus secretes thymosin), ovaries(female reproductive organ), and testes(produces spermatozoa). Laboratory test include A1c test(blood test used to diagnose and manage type 1 and type 2 diabetes), fasting blood sugar (FBS) (test that measures glucose levels in a blood sample following a fast of at least 8 hours), glucose tolerance test (GTT) (screening test in which a dose of glucose is administered and blood samples are taken at regular intervals following the dose to determine how quickly glucose is cleared from the blood) insulin tolerance test (ITT)(diagnostic test in which insulin is injected into the vein, causing severe hypoglycemia to assess growth hormone (GH) and cortisol reserve), thyroid function test (TFT) (test th ...
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