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World Music Middle East

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Cuyamaca College
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World Music Name ___________________________
Study Guide: Middle East
1. What is the capital of Iran? (Tehran)
2. The mode or scale of a piece in Arabic music is called (Maqam).
3. The mode or scale of a piece in Persian music is called (Dastgah).
4. (Pishdaramad) means “before the introduction” and is a composed metric piece.
5. Describe a chahar mezrab.
(The chahar mezrab is a composed, metric, solo performance on the santour.)
6. In Persian music, the improvised, non-metric section performed vocally or instrumentally
that is central in the performance is called (Avaz).
7. The mystical movement of Islam that involves musicians and dancers interacting in a complex
spiritual ritual is called (Sema).
8. Describe the different levels of music that exist in the Middle East.
9. Islam was established in 622 CE by the (Arabs), and introduced to
Persia(Iran) and (Turkey).
10.Middle Eastern music is almost always (monophonic), meaning there is only one melody.
When several instruments play the same tune in basic unison, but each in a slightly different
version, (heteophony) is produced.

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11. Middle Eastern music features a prevailingly (ornamented) style of singing and playing, with
many or most notes “bent” or embellished with trills, glissandos or short secondary notes.
12. Persian hammered zither-(Santour) Arabic plucked zither- (Kanun) Persian plucked lute-
(Tar) Arabic
plucked lute-(Bouzouq).
13. Vocal and compositional style in Middle Eastern music is derived from the
(Recitation of the Holy Qu’ran).
14. Define the term tarab
(The tarab is a concept of enchantment. It's usually associated with vocal music, although
instrumental music can produce the same effect, in which the listener is completely enveloped in
the sound and the meaning in a broad experiential sense.)
15. The system of musical values in the Middle East assigns high value to(non)-metric, vocal,
(texted), (improvised) music, and assigns lower value to (metric), instrumental, (composed)
music based on the relative similarity to or difference from
the sound of the Koran.
16. List the five types of songs found in the Persian suite:
(Pishdaramad, Chahar Mezrab, Avaz, Tansif, Reng 17)

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World Music Name ___________________________ Study Guide: Middle East 1. What is the capital of Iran? (Tehran) 2. The mode or scale of a piece in Arabic music is called (Maqam). 3. The mode or scale of a piece in Persian music is called (Dastgah). 4. (Pishdaramad) means “before the introduction” and is a composed metric piece. 5. Describe a chahar mezrab. (The chahar mezrab is a composed, metric, solo performance on the santour.) 6. In Persian music, the improvised, non-metric section performed vocally or instrumentally that is central in the performance is called (Avaz). 7. The mystical movement of Islam that involves musicians and dancers interacting in a complex spiritual ritual is called (Sema). 8. Describe the different levels of music that exist in the Middle East. 9. Islam was established in 622 CE by the (Arabs), and introduced to Persia(Iran) and (Turkey). 10.Middle Eastern music is almost always (monophonic), meaning there is only one melody. When several instruments play the same tune in basic unison, but each in a slightly different version, (heteophony) is produced. 11. Middle Eastern music features a prevailingly (ornamented) style of singing and playing, with m ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
