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Week 5 Discussion Board

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West Coast University
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Running head: DISCUSSION 1
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Abortion is one controversial issue, even in modern society. It brings about huge and
sharp divisions among people on whether the medical procedure should be legalized or not. Each
of the premises has different moral stands that are used to support the position that is taken on
the controversial issue. In my opinion, I think abortion is morally wrong. Abortion leads to the
ending of the life of a fetus prematurely. Many say that it is murder since a fetus has life, and
thereby those who perform abortions should be held accountable for their actions. Human life
starts at conception (Wexler, 2016). With this in mind, a fetus has a right to live like everyone
else in the community. Ending their life, prematurely is thereby immoral and should never be
allowed to happen. Abortion is also against many religious beliefs of people in society. Some see
it to be in contravention with their beliefs and customs.
Despite my position on abortion, I think there are certain instances where abortion should
be sought. An example is where the mother’s life is in danger because of the fetus. In such an
instance, undertaking an abortion would be a great option since it could save the life of the
mother. The second example is where a child is conceived from rape. No mother would want to
raise a child who has been conceived from a rape. It would be immoral since the child would
never understand their coming to being. Cases of incest also need to be addressed. Children born
from incest may have huge defects, and this can have far-reaching effects on their health and
well-being. In each of these instances, there is reasonable cause for abortion to be pursued.
However, this does not mean that abortion should be legalized. It should be an illegal process,
and only certain considerations should be made by medical professionals before sanctioning the

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Running head: DISCUSSION 1 Discussion Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation DISCUSSION 2 Discussion Abortion is one controversial issue, even in modern society. It brings about huge and sharp divisions among people on whether the medical procedure should be legalized or not. Each of the premises has different moral stands that are used to support the position that is taken on the controversial issue. In my opinion, I think abortion is morally wrong. Abortion leads to the ending of the life of a fetus prematurely. Many say that it is murder since a fetus has life, and thereby those who perform abortions should be held accountable for their actions. Human life starts at conception (Wexler, 2016). With this in mind, a fetus has a right to live like everyone else in the community. Ending their life, prematurely is thereby immoral and should never be allowed to happen. Abortion is ...
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