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Topic 5 Dq. 2

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Health & Medical
Bowie State University
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Running Head: DISCUSSION 1
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Continuous quality improvement is defined as the process of continuously improving
systems and processes in healthcare. It is defined as the way in which problems are identified
and new systems put in place to help solve these issues. It is essential to note that continuous
quality assessment does not only apply when there is a problem. It is also applicable in instances
where the healthcare community wants to improve their functions hence improvement of their
quality. Nursing is one of the most important roles in healthcare today. It is concerned with
patient care and the delivery of quality healthcare. A section of continuous quality assessment is
involved with the identification and monitoring of nursing processes to ensure quality patient
care (Civetta et al, 1996).
One of the most recurring challenges in healthcare is catheter associated urinary tract
infections. This is according to the data provided by the center of disease control and infection.
According to the National Health Institute CAUTI accounts for about twenty nine percent of all
infections. This leads to increased hospital stay, increased mortality rate and is associated with
high medical costs. This can be prevented by the established guidelines in regards to healthcare
and continuous quality assessment. For instance, it stipulates that catheters should be checked
twice by different nurses. This ensures that all safety and cleanliness measures are accounted for.
It also ensures that the patient is safe from all risks associated with CQI in my current position by
ensuring effective monitoring of catheters. I will also encourage other nurses to continuously
seek to improve themselves as a way of improving the whole community in general.

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1 Running Head: DISCUSSION Discussion Institutional Affiliation Name Date 2 DISCUSSION Discussion Continuous quality improvement is defined as the process of continuously improving systems and processes in healthcare. It is defined as the way in which problems are identified and new systems put in place to help solve these issues. It is essential to note that continuous quality assessment does not only apply when there is a problem. It is also applicable in instances where the healthcare community wants to improve their functions hence improvement of their quality. Nursing is one of the most important roles in healthcare today. It is concerned with patient care and the delivery of quality healthcare. A section of continuous quality assessment is involved with the identification and monitoring of nursing processes to ensure quality patient care (Civetta et al, 1996). One of the ...
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