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Foundation Of Leadership

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Grand Canyon University
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Running head: LEADERSHIP 1
Foundation of Leadership
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Part 1
Leadership is the process of exerting influence within a group of people to maximize
their efforts towards the attainment of a particular objective. In exercising this form of control,
the individual must have an aura in knowledge, decisiveness, inspiration, and accountability,
among others (Scott et al., 2018). A devoid of any of these qualities destroys the leadership one
holds above the followers. In the matter of how leadership is structured, there are two forms:
hierarchical and team-based leadership. The hierarchy applies the concept of a chain of
command with a rigid structure where order execution is without question. In contrast, the latter
involves multi-level teams that share ideas to solve complexities arising from leadership roles.
Overview of the article
The article selected for this review is an article by Scott et al, 2018 titled, “The impact of
implicit collective leadership theories on the emergence and effectiveness of leadership networks
in teams.” In this article, Scott et al, evaluates the impact of the implicit collected leadership
theories on the effectiveness of leadership networks in teams. According to the authors,
leadership in today’s high-performing teams is a relational process that can best be understood
from a multilevel perspective. In other words, the authors review the role of implicit theories of
leadership and fellowship in predicting leader emergence in more traditional hierarchical
structures. Based on the article, implicit leadership theories play a fundamental role in predicting
leadership effectiveness in high performing teams. In the article, the authors reviewed three
important implicit leadership theories such as network leadership, implicit leadership network
theories, and implicit leadership theory. According to the article, effective team leadership is one
of the most influential factors in developing high-performing teams. The authors also argue that

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Running head: LEADERSHIP 1 Foundation of Leadership Student’s Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date LEADERSHIP 2 Part 1 Introduction Leadership is the process of exerting influence within a group of people to maximize their efforts towards the attainment of a particular objective. In exercising this form of control, the individual must have an aura in knowledge, decisiveness, inspiration, and accountability, among others (Scott et al., 2018). A devoid of any of these qualities destroys the leadership one holds above the followers. In the matter of how leadership is structured, there are two forms: hierarchical and team-based leadership. The hierarchy applies the concept of a chain of command with a rigid structure where order execution is without question. In contrast, the latter involves multi-level teams that share ideas to solve complexities arising from leadership roles. Overview of the article The article selected for this review is an article by Scott et al, 2018 titled, “The impact of implicit collective leadership theories on the emergence and effectiveness of leadership networks in teams.” In this article, Scott et al, evaluates the impact of the implicit collected leadership theories on the effectiveness of leadership networks in teams. According to the authors, leadership in today’s high-performing teams is a relational process that can best be understood from a multilevel perspective. In other words, the authors review the role of implicit t ...
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