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Poem Analysis

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Seneca college
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Poem Analysis
By A. A. Milne
The poem “Knight in Armour” is written by A. A. Milne and it is about role of knight
which include protecting and then rushing out from the home of dragon. There are numerous
literary elements that are used in the poem and the elements that are discussed in this essay include
allegory, personification and hyperbole. Allegory is a literary device that is used for visual or
narrative representation of event, place and character to show hidden meaning with political or
moral importance. For example, in this poem, saving from the dragon’s lair implies to stay safe
from deadly condition. Moreover, figurative and imagery language is also used in this poem such
as personification or hyperbole (Milne). Personification is utilized as attribution of human features
and personal nature to non-human aspects to show abstract features in human form. For example,
rescuer or knight is personified in the poem. Hyperbole is used to exaggerate the strong feelings
and to create best impression. Example of hyperbole in the poem is fighting the dragon. It is
concluded that these elements in the poem make it enjoyable. The knight gets involved with the
dragons and these literary elements make the poem more understandable and appealing.

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Surname 1 Student Name University Name Professor Name Date Poem Analysis Knight-in-Armour By A. A. Milne The poem “Knight in Armour” is written by A. A. Milne and it is about role of knight which include protecting and then rushing out from the home of dragon. There are numerous literary elements that are used in the poem and the elements that are discussed in this essay include allegory, personification and hyperbole. Allegory is a literary device that is used for visual or narrative representation of event, place and character to show hidden meaning with political or moral importance. F ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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