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20200507224523itp 132 Final Exam Spring 2020...................................................

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C Programming
Northern Virginia Community College
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ITP 132
Final exam spring 2020
1. What is wrong with this code?
int num = 5;
cout << “number is: “ << num << “\n”;
int *ptr = & num;
ptrr = 9;
cout << “num: “ << *ptr << “\n”;
Answer: “ptrr” is not defined, and if you mean ptr = 9 then that is a wrong assignment since ptr
is a pointer and will be waiting for an address.
2. Each of the following functions has errors. Locate as many errors as you can.
A) void total(int valuel, value2, value3)
return valuel + value2 + value3;
Answer: the function is declared as void, but inside is returning a
value. Also, value2 and value3 are not declared with their data types.
B) double average(int valuel, int value2, int value3)
double average;
average = valuel + value2 + value3 / 3;
Answer: The average of 3 numbers must be the sum of
them divided by 3, thus, the brackets are missing. It should
be (value1 + value2 + value3)/3.0. Also, those are int
values, and the avg could be a real number. A cast must be
made: (double)...
C) void area(int length, int width)
return length * width;
Answer: As the question A, the function is void but
tries to return a int value.
D) void getValue(int values)
cout « "Enter a value: ";
cin >> values;

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Answer: This function takes as parameter values but
then it overrides it when asking the user for a new input.
E) double getValue()
int inputValue;
cout « "Enter an integer: ";
cin >> inputValue;
return inputValue;
Answer: this funtion gets an int value but returns a
double value. Though this is not an error because of the
implicit cast, but is good to point that.
f) int getValue()
cout « "Enter a floating-point number: ";
cin » inputValue;
return inputValue;
Answer: Difference from the question before, this
wants to input a float value (error is that the variable was
not defined) and returns an int value (again, just to point
that the value will be cast)
3. Given the following declarations:
char c = ’A’;
char * p = &c;
char ** p2 = &p;
void * v = &p2;
Examine each of the following expressions. If the expression is illegal, write
If the expression is legal, write its type (i.e. int ** or unsigned long\ etc):
&p2: char***
p2[2]: this is a type **char but the location was not assigned
p + 4: this is a type *char but the location was not assigned
&p2[4]: this is a type ***char but the location was not assigned
4. What is wrong with the following code segment:

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ITP 132 Final exam spring 2020 Name: 1. What is wrong with this code? int num = 5; cout ...
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