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Study Guide Africa

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Cuyamaca College
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1. The mbira belongs to the class of instruments known as (lamellaphones) . 2. The Shona are a (Bantu)-speaking people of what country? (Zimbabwe) 3. Even simple mbira pieces contain many inner (Melodic Lines), and involve an art of creative (listening) as well as playing. 4. What is meant by “interlocking” or “hocketing?” (The terms “Interlocking” or “hocketing” develop by interlocking pitches between two or more sound sources to create a single melody or part.) 5. What does “ostinato” mean? (An ostinato is a melodic phrase that's repeated over and over throughout a musical composition. It usually occurs in the same voice and at the same pitch, but it can be transposed and moved to different voices.) 6. How many different countries are in Africa? (50) How many ethnolinguistic groups? (800) Why is it better to think about African music in terms of ethnolinguistic groups rather than nations? (It is because of the diversity of each ethnolinguistic group in a single country. A single country can have multiple ethnolinguistic groups and may have varied traditions and music, that is why it is better to analyze it based on the ethnolinguistic group rather than the nat ...
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