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Glendale Community College
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1. Discuss why you believe a TV show or film that you have seen could be considered
Law and Order: SVU could be considered realistic. While there are some aspects that are not
realistic, they are required to keep a television show entertaining and engaging. But the show is
realistic in that the viewer sees the normal activity of the characters such as hearing the phone
and answering it. The characters, costumes, stage and props are believable, and the viewer can
identify with them. Also, cameras are used to present the show as if the viewer was watching it
live. Finally, the format of the story lines is linear because it shows cause and effect patterns and
provides the psychological relationships and tendencies of the story line.
2. Discuss why a TV show or film that you have seen could be considered a departure from
WGN had a six-part drama called “Pure” about a group of Mennonites who get involved with the
drug-smuggling Mexican cartel. Though the series attempted to present some realistic features
such as familial relationships, it clearly departed from realism. First, the show had many
historical inaccuracies such as the type of ethnic Mennonite community attempted does not exist.
Second, it does not portray either male or female Mennonite family, church or community
leadership correctly. These are departures from realism that unfortunately are so subtle, they
further ethnic stereotypes.
3. Discuss how rock concerts use multimedia and environmental theatrical techniques.
Multimedia and environmental theatrical techniques are popular in rock concerts by syncing
sound and images through various methods with the performer to create a fantasy effect that
appears real. It attempts to draw the audience in so that there is not any distinction between it and
the musician’s story. The use of platforms and varying scenes show multi-levels of
understanding and reality for various audience members instead of everyone being focused on
the same thing at the same time. Multimedia and environmental techniques provide an
experience rather than simply an event listening to live music.
4. Why do you think musical comedy has been more popular in theatre than in film?
Yes. Musical comedies are typically positive, and the happy ending is anticipated and provided.
Happy endings are more obvious in theatre than in film, which may have subtle variances in
what is happy or not. Also, there is a star mentality that still plays in theatre. Though many
people watch films because there are certain stars in them, they expect that star to play a more
convincing role today, unlike during the Golden Age where the star was enough, and he could
entertain in a variety of ways. Also, films depict desired social norms and current social norms
are not musical comedies in film. Perhaps it never was. In looking at film history, the musical
itself fell in popularity as studios quit making them because their concepts of profit changed.
Finally, musical comedies can more costly than many technological advances in film production.
5. Do you think absurdism continues to be relevant in today’s theatre? Why? Why not?

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I think absurdism will always be relevant in theatre because it usually has a realistic element to
it. The elements of a meaningless life, the paradoxes and ironies of life, and suffering in life can
be communicated through absurdity and leave the viewer feeling like he is not alone. It also
works to explain these things in life, or at least helps the viewer accept the nonsensical and
inevitability of a given situation. To me, it is also a necessary psychological tool for developing
empathy and desire to change a horrific aspect of humanity.
6. Discuss how the theories or Artaud and Brecht influenced the theatre since 1945.
Brecht has influenced playwrights as well as audience attitudes by creating Epic Theatre. This
includes theorizing approaches to acting and audience involvement in theatre. One example is
the street scene concept where a simple incident is seen while the actor explains what has
happened to the audience. Altraud basically deconstructed theatre by re-evaluating everything
from lighting, props, scenery and dialogue to bring them to bare minimum according to use or to
completely eliminate them.

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1. Discuss why you believe a TV show or film that you have seen could be considered realistic. Law and Order: SVU could be considered realistic. While there are some aspects that are not realistic, they are required to keep a television show entertaining and engaging. But the show is realistic in that the viewer sees the normal activity of the characters such as hearing the phone and answering it. The characters, costumes, stage and props are believable, and the viewer can identify with them. Also, cameras are used to present the show as if the viewer was watching it live. Finally, the format of the story lines is linear because it shows cause and effect patterns and provides the psychological relationships and tendencies of the story line. 2. Discuss why a TV show or film that you have seen could be considered a departure from realism. WGN had a six-part drama called “Pure” about a ...
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