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Symphony Project. Final1

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Essay 1
I would choose to play the violin. Violin is a solo instrument standard in the western
classical tradition and is compatible with many music genres (Rode, 2009). There are two types of
violins, the wooden violin and the electric violin, which is an advancement of the wooden violin.
Violin has been in use in the following eras Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th century, and 21st
century. Notably, the violin is mostly used in Solo Concertos because they follow a particular plan,
fast section followed by a slow lyrical section and then another fast section.
The baroque is the earliest era of solo concertos developed in Western European art music
between 1600 and 1750. It involved three movements, which are Bach form, sonata form, and
rondo form. Some of its unique characteristics were exaggerated and detailed motion, which
contributed to drama, literature, dance, music, and perfect architecture. The most influential
composer of solo concertos in baroque was Antonio Vivaldi, who composed over 350 solo
concertos where the violin was the exclusive instrument. Oyenard (2019) states that such solo
sections have increased rapidly over the years. The next era is the classical period, which has a
large number of violin artists, which led to the rise of virtuoso soloists. It incorporates four
movements, which are adagio, sonata, minuet, and Allegro-Rondo, where sonata is the first
movement that involves exposition, recapitulation, and development. The opening is followed by
slow-motion and later a dance which has three beats per bar. The unique characteristic of this
period is that it contains short, clear melodies that emphasize beauty, balance, and elegance.
Secondly, each piece has a different beat in terms of dynamics, pitch, and key.
The romantic period originated from Europe, and it runs through 1800. The violin is among
the significant instruments used in this era, and it is arranged in the fast-slow0fast pattern. It has
three movements; sonata, rondo, and adagio. It focuses on the celebration of nature by expressing

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1 Running head: SYMPHONY ANALYSIS MUSIC Student’s Name: Institution’s Affiliation 2 SYMPHONY ANALYSIS Essay 1 I would choose to play the violin. Violin is a solo instrument standard in the western classical tradition and is compatible with many music genres (Rode, 2009). There are two types of violins, the wooden violin and the electric violin, which is an advancement of the wooden violin. Violin has been in use in the following eras Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th century, and 21st century. Notably, the violin is mostly used in Solo Concertos because they follow a particular plan, fast section followed by a slow lyrical section and then another fast section. The baroque is the earliest era of solo concertos developed in Western European art music between 1600 and 1750. It involved three movements, which are Bach form, sonata form, and rondo form. Some of its unique characteristics were exaggerated and detailed motion, which contributed to drama, literature, dance, music, and perfect architecture. The most influential composer of solo concertos in baroque was Antonio Vivaldi, who composed over 350 solo concertos where the violin was the exclusive instrument. Oyenard (2019) states that such solo sections have increased rapidly over the years. The next era is the classical period, which has a large number of violin artists, which led to the rise of virtuoso soloists. It incorporates four movements, which are adagio, sonata, minuet, and Allegro-Rondo, where sonata i ...
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