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Psy 240 week 2 checkpoint psy240_Appendix_B[1][1]

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Axia College Material
Appendix B
Structures of the Nervous System
This activity will increase your understanding of the different structures of the nervous system and
brain. During the Web activity, you will view a variety of structures of the brain and nervous
system and label each with the appropriate term. You will use this document to write a description
for the terms you used in the activity.
<Paste your Conclusion screen shot here>
As you conduct the Structures of the Nervous System activity, follow along with this Word
document and fill in the descriptions of those terms you used to label the structures. All of the
terms in the activity are listed here, but you only need to provide descriptions for those you used.
Term Description
Central nervous
Part of the nervous system that consists of the brain and
spinal cord
Cell body
The portion of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus
Peripheral nervous
The section of the nervous system lying outside the brain
and spinal cord
Receives snaptic signals
PSY 240

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Axia College Material Appendix B Structures of the Nervous System This activity will increase your understanding of the different structures of the nervous system and brain. During the Web activity, you will view a variety of structures of the brain and nervous system and label each with the appropriate term. You will use this document to write a description for the terms you used in the activity. As you conduct the Structures of the Nervous System activity, follow along with this Word document and fill in the descriptions of those terms you used to ...
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