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Running head: THE TITANIC MOVIE 1997 1
The Titanic Movie 1997
Institutional Affiliation

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Narrative and contextualization analysis
The Titanic 1997 is a film that involves two main characters Jack Dawson and Rose
Bukater (YULIANI 2011). Rose was a first-class passenger in the titanic ship that was reputable,
while Jack Dawson was an artist in the low-class section. Rose was 17 years old and had
challenges with her love affair since she was engaged to a tycoon, Cal, whom she had little if not
affection. The latter fall in love with Jack Dawson, and they were being hunted by the Tycoon
when the Titanic ship hit an iceberg (Cameron, Horner & Landau, 1997). It was a terrific
experience as the ship sunk slowly, and only the people who had money and children were
rescued first.
Jack Dawson did not survive the accident since, after the sinking of the ship, Jack
suffered hypothermia and died in the ocean as Ross was saved by the RMS Carpathia team
(YULIANI 2011). It was one of the most dreadful experiences in history that resulted in
challenges and other issues that reduced the effectiveness and competitiveness of the process.
The challenges were adverse, and the issues were bad when it came to the challenges
experienced in the film (Cameron, Horner & Landau, 1997). After the rescue, Rose survived and
interacted with the Brock Lovett, who was hunting for the heart of the ocean, a gift Cal had given
The reason why it became so popular
Titanic American movies became popular because of the basis of the film since it was
based on a true story (YULIANI 2011). Since the tragic incidence was a disaster that occurred, it
was among the things that people perceived to be adverse and made impacts on humanity
(Cameron, Horner & Landau, 1997). The movie was famous since the world's largest ship that
had ever been built was the Titanic, and when it sunk in the ocean, most people were surprised,

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Running head: THE TITANIC MOVIE 1997 1 The Titanic Movie 1997 Details Name Institutional Affiliation Date THE TITANIC MOVIE 1997 2 Narrative and contextualization analysis The Titanic 1997 is a film that involves two main characters Jack Dawson and Rose Bukater (YULIANI 2011). Rose was a first-class passenger in the titanic ship that was reputable, while Jack Dawson was an artist in the low-class section. Rose was 17 years old and had challenges with her love affair since she was engaged to a tycoon, Cal, whom she had little if not affection. The latter fall in love with Jack Dawson, and they were being hunted by the Tycoon when the Titanic ship hit an iceberg (Cameron, Horner & Landau, 1997). It was a terrific experience as the ship sunk slowly, and only the people who had money and children were rescued first. Jack Dawson did not survive the accident since, after the sinking of the ship, Jack suffered hypothermia and died in the ocean as Ross was saved by the RMS Carpathia team (YULIANI 2011). It was one of the most dreadful experiences in history that resulted in challenges and other issues that reduced the effectiveness and competitiveness of the process. The challenges were adverse, and the issues were bad when it came to the challenges experienced in the film (Cameron, Horner & Landau, 1997). After the rescue, Rose survived and interacted with the Brock Lovett, who was hunting for the heart of the ocean, a gift Cal had given Rose. The reason why it became so popul ...
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Very useful material for studying!


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