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Student Replies.

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Computer Science
University of the Cumberlands
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Running head: RESPONSES 1
Student Replies
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Student’s Replies
Dear Navya
I agree with your projections concerning ERP. Technically, I find this tool critical to
businesses for the activities it helps them accomplish. According to Derczynski, Nichols, van
Erp, & Limsopatham (2017), the disposition that comes with ERP enables the organization to
monitor most of its activities and make informed decisions that affect a positive future. Increased
productivity is realized through the stance of effectively diversifying the ERP model into the
business framework. Typically, organizations must embrace the diverse tools that supplement
ERP for the realization of goals within the organization. Technically, it is prolific to understand
that success is defined by effective operations within the business as provided by ERP software
in the measure of running the various departments of the organization. Financial, HR, and
record-keeping departments, among others, are critically affected by the ERP tools, and this is
beautiful as it promotes efficiency.
Dear Anoop
I find your post quite informative, and it is critical of the projections that you provide
concerning the ERP. Technically, this is a significant framework that must be employed within
the businesses if it is to experience growth and development. The combination with other tools is
what makes the ERP critical, as this faction helps it to realize the disposition of making informed
decisions. Production is an increasingly demanding field, and without the ERP, the creation of
quality goods and services will not be realized. Costa, Ferreira, Bento, & Aparicio (2016) implies
that there is a need to create a competitive advantage within the firms as this helps in enhancing

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Running head: RESPONSES 1 Student Replies Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Course Date RESPONSES 2 Student’s Replies Dear Navya I agree with your projections concerning ERP. Technically, I find this tool critical to businesses for the activities it helps them accomplish. According to Derczynski, Nichols, van Erp, & Limsopatham (2017), the disposition that comes with ERP enables the organization to monitor most of its activities and make informed decisions that affect a positive future. Increased productivity is realized through the stance of effectively diversifying the ERP model into the business framework. Typically, organizations must embrace the diverse tools that supplement ERP for the realization of goals within the organization. Technically, it is prolific to understand that success is defined by effective operations within the business as provided by ERP software in the measure of running the various departments of the organization. Financial, HR, and record-keeping departments, among others, are critically affected by the ERP tools, and this is beautiful as it promotes efficiency. Dear Anoop I find your post quite informative, and it is critical of the projections that you provide concerning the ERP. Technically, this is a significant framework that must be employed within the businesses if it is to experience growth and development. The combination with other tools is what makes the ERP critical, as this faction helps it to realize the disposition ...
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