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Privacy Laws and Protection of Personal Information
Student’s Name
CIS 324
Professor Roden

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Article review:
Taking to manage data in terms of confidentiality is related to the idea of protection as well
as security of data away from unlawful, or access which is not authorized by any means leading to
the theft of the data. There has to be a link between the idea of confidentiality and the privacy
located in the information being kept safe here. Details surrounding low confidentiality might very
well be taken into account as "public" or otherwise not intimidating if subjected to and above their
target demographic. Very private information is regarded as a secret and should be kept hidden to
avoid identity theft, login information, server breach, legal or social harm, and other serious
Many guidelines have been presented when it comes to taking care of data together with
protecting the set data. These are the likes of:
Sensitive encryption files.
Encryption is a technique that hides the data from anybody except those with the right
password. By encrypting important material utilizing file passwords, you may safeguard them
against being accessed or used by people who are not eligible.
Manage data access. Control data access.
Transparency control is mostly a question of checking who has permission. Establishing
that only "need to know" have access authorization and access goes a long way to minimize
needless exposure. Users should additionally verify their access using login credentials and two-
factor verification whenever feasible. Check access lists regularly and immediately remove access
when no longer needed.
Secure physical equipment and digital records.

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1 Privacy Laws and Protection of Personal Information Student’s Name CIS 324 Professor Roden Date 2 Article review: Taking to manage data in terms of confidentiality is related to the idea of protection as well as security of data away from unlawful, or access which is not authorized by any means leading to the theft of the data. There has to be a link between the idea of confidentiality and the privacy located in the information being kept safe here. Details surrounding low confidentiality might very well be taken into account as "public" or otherwise not intimidating if subjected to and above their target demographic. Very private information is regarded as a secret and should be kept hidden to avoid identity theft, login information, server breach, legal or social harm, and other serious repercussions. Many guidelines have been presented when it comes to taking care of data together with protecting the set data. These are the likes of: Sensitive encryption files. Encryption is a technique that hides the data from anybody except those with the right password. By encrypting important material utilizing file passwords, you may safeguard them against being accessed or used by people who are not eligible. Manage data access. Control data access. Transparency control is mostly a question of checking who has permission. Establishing that only "need to know" have access authorization and access goes a long way to minimi ...
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