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Complaint Letter.edited

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Surname 1
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City, State, Zip Code]
Julia Monroe
Human Resource Manager
Savannahs Hotels
Dear Monroe,
On April 20, 2020, the last time I visited your hotel, I felt dissatisfied with the kind of
services I received because of the waitstaff’s poor communication and lack of effective
consumer relations. On that fateful day, I had visited the hotel for a cup of coffee and some
snacks after coming from work. When I arrived at the premise, the waitstaff was ready to take
in my order immediately as I sat down. As was the custom, I expected the conversation to
start with a warm welcome: "Hello, welcome to Savannahs Hotels, how are you doing, and
how can I best serve you?". Contrary to my expectation, the waitstaff, who seemed out of
place, started the interaction with a rather odd and unusual moody and gloomy "hello sir,
please let me know what you will be taking today as soon as possible!" As an esteemed
customer and used to the warmth of the welcome from the hotel's waiters- a feature that has
kept me coming to the hotel for several days now-I was shocked and felt uneasy even to order
my favorite Frappuccino. I believe that it is best if the employees of the company maintained
their customer-oriented services and friendliness. It is critical for both the company to
maintain the loyalty of its customers as well as a good reputation and brand image. Thus,
please consider my concern and make the necessary changes.
I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and in case of need for further
info, please reach me through the above address or by phone [home or office numbers with
area codes]. Thank you

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Surname 1 [Your Name] [Your Address] [Your City, State, Zip Code] 17/05/2020 Julia Monroe Human Resource Manager Savannahs Hotels 08000 Champagne-Ardenne Dear Monroe, On April 20, 2020, the last time I visited your hotel, I felt dissatisfied with the kind of services I received because of the waitstaff’s poor communication and lack of effective consumer relations. On that fateful day, I had visited the hotel for a cup of coffee and some snacks after coming from work. When I arrived at the premise, the waitstaff was ready to take in my order immediately as I sat down. As was the custom, I ex ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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