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Comic Book Analysis 1

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Watchmen Take Home Exam
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Chapter 7, page 14-15 Analysis
Chapter 7, A Brother to Dragons of the comic book, Daniel appears to rekindle a
romance that lacks sexual capacity. Daniel’s sexual impotence is similar to his lack of power
regarding the events taking place globally, especially the rising tensions between the Russians
along with the Americans and the nuclear war’s threat. Daniel’s impotence appears to contrast
with the physical prowess of Ozymandias on the TV (Page 14, panel 2-3). On the other hand, his
powerlessness also is different from the secret plan of Adrian Veidt that is taking place
concurrently in a bid to avert the Third World War.
Besides, the sexual impotence of Daniel parallels his powerlessness to stop the world that
is about to succumb to ruins. He apologizes for his lack of ability to provide sexual pleasure as
his mind is focused on the impending threat that is facing the world (Page 14, panel 4). In
contrast, Ozymandias is at his best performing for his audience that is astounded by his prowess.
In the meantime, Dan struggles, but his partner is patient with him as he seems to worry a lot
(Page 14, panel 5). As he undressed his partner, he cannot concentrate on giving pleasure as his
sexual impotence takes centre stage at a critical time.
He feels restless that he cannot undertake a simple act of unbuttoning his partner (Page
14, panel 6). His partner notices his struggles but is patient with him to the point she offers to
help him. Daniel appears distracted by the world, which is about to be destroyed as he cannot
concentrate on a simple act of giving pleasure. In contrast, Ozymandias’ prowess causes the
crowd to cheer him as his age does not prevent him from moving effortlessly (Page 14, panel 9).
While Ozymandias is fully engaged in his performance, all that Daniel can think about is the
Third World War.

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Running head: COMIC BOOK ANALYSIS 2nd Watchmen Take Home Exam Student Name Institution Affiliation 1 COMIC BOOK ANALYSIS 2 Chapter 7, page 14-15 Analysis Chapter 7, A Brother to Dragons of the comic book, Daniel appears to rekindle a romance that lacks sexual capacity. Daniel’s sexual impotence is similar to his lack of power regarding the events taking place globally, especially the rising tensions between the Russians along with the Americans and the nuclear war’s threat. Daniel’s impotence appears to contrast with the physical prowess of Ozymandias on the TV (Page 14, panel 2-3). On the other hand, his powerlessness also is different from the secret plan of Adrian Veidt that is taking place concurrently in a bid to avert the Third World War. Besides, the sexual impotence of Daniel parallels his powerlessness to stop the world that is about to succumb to ruins. He apologizes for his lack of ability to provide sexual pleasure as his mind is focused on the impending threat that is facing the world (Page 14, panel 4). In contrast, Ozymandias is at his best performing for his audience that is astounded by his prowess. In the meantime, Dan struggles, but his partner is pat ...
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