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International Business Assign 1

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Keiser University
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The Coca-Cola Company
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The Coca-Cola Company
Invented around the end of the nineteenth century by Atlanta’s pharmacist, Doctor John
Pemberton, and the development of its current brand name and logo by Pemberton’s bookkeeper
Frank Robinson, the American multinational Coca-Cola Corporation specializes in beverage
production and sale. Towards 1887, Asa Candler, an Atlanta pharmacist, purchased the Coca-
Cola formula from its inventor. Towards the 1890s, the company had exponentially grown into
among America’s most-selling and famous fountain drink manufacturers and retailers attributed
to the aggressive marketing strategy adopted by Candler. Towards the beginning of the twentieth
century, the company had improved drastically with improved syrup sales in more than one
country, covering the American and Canadian markets. Notably, since its establishment and
incorporation in 1919, the company’s executive chiefly focuses on advertising as an essential
marketing strategy for brand promotion in the competitive international word. Additionally, the
stiff competition, Coca-Cola’s robust marketing strategies encompass an in-depth research
analysis (Serôdio et al., 2018). Besides, additional well-articulated policies have facilitated an
upward shift in the global market. Despite Coca-Cola’s upward variation in sales and profits over
the years, significant structural changes are crucial for integration in the contemporary market
structure for continued market dominance and success.
Coca-Cola’s opportunities and Threats for Continued Success of its Product/Service in the
Select Global Market
Diversification. Various interventions have been developed to aide Coca-Cola’s thriving
in the highly competitive global market, characterized by a vast of new and existent businesses
specializing in the production of similar products, with competing conditions. Various brad

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Running head: THE COCA-COLA COMPANY The Coca-Cola Company Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: 1 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 2 The Coca-Cola Company Invented around the end of the nineteenth century by Atlanta’s pharmacist, Doctor John Pemberton, and the development of its current brand name and logo by Pemberton’s bookkeeper Frank Robinson, the American multinational Coca-Cola Corporation specializes in beverage production and sale. Towards 1887, Asa Candler, an Atlanta pharmacist, purchased the CocaCola formula from its inventor. Towards the 1890s, the company had exponentially grown into among America’s most-selling and famous fountain drink manufacturers and retailers attributed to the aggressive marketing strategy adopted by Candler. Towards the beginning of the twentieth century, the company had improved drastically with improved syrup sales in more than one country, covering the American and Canadian markets. Notably, since its establishment and incorporation in 1919, the company’s executive chiefly focuses on advertising as an essential marketing strategy for brand promotion in the competitive international word. Additionally, the stiff competition, Coca-Cola’s robust marketing strategies encompass an in-depth research analysis (Serôdio et al., 2018). Besides, additional well-articulated policies have facilitated an upward shift in the global market. Despite Coca-Cola’s upward variation in sales and profits over the years, significant structural c ...
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