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Running head: ENGLISH 1
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Shakespeare’s sonnet 60 and 16 talk about time and its impacts on humanity. Sonnet 60 is
considered one of the best works of Shakespeare because of how it portrays time in terms of
mortality and how humanity views time as it passes. On the other hand, sonnet 16 talks about
time from children’s eyes. In sonnet 16, the speaker compares time to a “bloody tyrant” “Make
war upon this bloody tyrant, Time?” this line views time as a constant war in all of humanity life.
The speaker is to make war with time, a war that doesn’t seem to end well unless blood is lost.
Shakespeare continues in sonnet 16 to show that the only way to win the war on time, is that the
speaker should find a woman and marry so that he can view time from his children’s eyes. This is
well reflected in the lines “Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time?” and the lines “Now stand
you on the top of happy hours,” this line shows that the speaker is on his prime years and
“And many maiden gardens, yet unset, With virtuous wish would bear you living flowers, Much
liker than your painted counterfeit:” he has the chance to win the war on time, since so many
women are available to bear his offspring. Sonnet 16, shows that the only way to keep living and
be remembered after death is to have offspring’s who will ensure your remembrance. In addition,
the sonnet displays the effects of time to the human body.
On the other hand, sonnet 60 which is considered one of Shakespeare’s greatest, shows
how time affects the human body as they age and how it all leads to death in the long run. In line
1 “Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,” time is compared to the waves in an
ocean how they come and sweep off the pebbles as they make way to the next wave. This is
similar to how death occurs in du time, making way to another generation, which will also in
turn die. Additionally, sonnet 60 also talks about how time makes the beauty of youth last in
humanity, without remembering that it will all pass away to old age and wrinkles and finally

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Running head: ENGLISH 1 Analysis [Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees] [Institutional Affiliation(s)] ENGLISH 2 Discussion Shakespeare’s sonnet 60 and 16 talk about time and its impacts on humanity. Sonnet 60 is considered one of the best works of Shakespeare because of how it portrays time in terms of mortality and how humanity views time as it passes. On the other hand, sonnet 16 talks about time from children’s eyes. In sonnet 16, the speaker compares time to a “bloody tyrant” “Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time?” this line views time as a constant war in all of humanity life. The speaker is to make war with time, a war that doesn’t seem to end well unless blood is lost. Shakespeare continues in sonnet 16 to show that the only way to win the war on time, is that the speaker should find a woman and marry so that he can view time from his child ...
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