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Destructive Leadership Behavior Assign

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Temple University
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Destructive Leadership Behavior
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Destructive Leadership Behavior
General Insights Obtained
The article has been comprehensive in addressing the concept of destructive leadership
behavior, including the various definitions in the establishment, including the aspects of
sabotage, theft, and corruption. Much focus has been on the dark side of leadership. Notably, in
defining destructive leadership behavior, a leader’s actions have to be directed towards
employees and the organization and must be systematic and repeated, often over a given time
(Einarsen et al., 2007). Furthermore, the behavior must violate an organization’s legitimacy if it
is directed towards the organization. However, the standard definition of a destructive leader
disregards the aspect of intent to cause harm, as it is in human nature to make wrong decisions
occasionally and should not be included in the standard definition.
Destructive Leadership Behavior versus Defiant Employee Behavior, what Causes What
and How
Studies have postulated a negative correlation between destructive leadership and
subordinate employee behavior. According to Einarsen et al. (2007), leaders in possession of
destructive traits, either towards the organization or on the subordinates, often results in the
development of deviant employee behavior, partly attributed to the low chances of mediation
from the hosting organization. Thus, as adverse events regarding social interactions have more
substantial effects than the positive experiences, the destructive leadership behavior,
consequently, negatively impacts the employees, triggering the development of deviant behavior
by the oppressed to counter, or in response to the trigger.
Can the Problem Behaviors be solved? How can they be addressed?

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DESTRUCTIVE LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR Destructive Leadership Behavior Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: 1 DESTRUCTIVE LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR 2 Destructive Leadership Behavior General Insights Obtained The article has been comprehensive in addressing the concept of destructive leadership behavior, including the various definitions in the establishment, including the aspects of sabotage, theft, and corruption. Much focus has been on the dark side of leadership. Notably, in defining destructive leadership behavior, a leader’s actions have to be directed towards employees and the organization and must be systematic and repeated, often over a given time (Einarsen et al., 2007). Furthermore, the behavior must violate an organization’s legitimacy if it is directed towards the organization. However, the standard definition of a destructive leader disregards the aspect of intent to cause harm, as it is in human nature to make wrong decisions occasionally and should not be included in the standard definition. Destructive Leadership Behavior versus Defiant Employee Behavior, what Causes What and How Studies have postulated a negative correlation between destructive leadership and subordinate employee behavior. According to Einarsen et al. (2007), leaders in possession of destructive traits, either towards the organization or on the subordinates, often results in the development of deviant employee behavior, partly attributed to the low chances of mediation from the hosting o ...
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