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Demings Approach
Institution Affiliated

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Demings Approach
Demings created or rather developed the 14 points on quality management which is a
set of management practices that aim at assisting organizations and companies to increase
product quality and productivity. This approach is a core concept at establishing total quality
management. As is evident, the approach features 14 points. According to Alaudin and
Yamada (2019), the 14 points strive to make people work with joy.
The first point is creating a constant purpose towards improvement. This point
involves planning for quality on a long-term basis, avoiding reacting using short-term
solutions, and finding better things to do instead of doing the same things better. For instance,
if an organization is facing an issue, the best approach would be identifying what needs to be
done and the best approach that yields long-term results instead of applying short-term fixes.
The second point is adopting a new philosophy. This point stresses the importance of a
company or a business in being innovative and coming up with new developments instead of
responding to the moves and decisions made by its competition. The third point is to stop
being dependent on inspections. Businesses should instead incorporate quality from the start
of production up to the end. Using a single supplier will help establish and build upon
consistency reducing any variations in the end product. Constant improvement using the plan
do check and act will help in improving productivity, safety, and effectiveness. On-the-job
training enables employees to gain the necessary skills ad facilitates consistency as
employees will have a foundation built on common knowledge. Leadership is at the center of
any success. Supportive leadership will help employees be more consistent and attain their
full potential. Eliminating fear will allow workers to put their best foot and efforts forward as
there is an environment that allows them to express their concerns and ideas. Barriers
between departments affect the efficiency and productivity of the team. Breaking down these
barriers enables the employees and departments to work towards a shared vision, enhancing

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1 Demings Approach Name Institution Affiliated 2 Demings Approach Demings created or rather developed the 14 points on quality management which is a set of management practices that aim at assisting organizations and companies to increase product quality and productivity. This approach is a core concept at establishing total quality management. As is evident, the approach features 14 points. According to Alaudin and Yamada (2019), the 14 points strive to make people work with joy. The first point is creating a constant purpose towards improvement. This point involves planning for quality on a long-term basis, avoiding reacting using short-term solutions, and finding better things to do instead of doing the same things better. For instance, if an organization is facing an issue, the best approach would be identifying what needs to be done and the best approach that yields long-term results instead of applying short-term fixes. The second point is adopting a new philosophy. This point stresses the importance of a company or a business in being innovative and coming up with new developments instead of responding to the moves and decisions made by its competition. The third point is ...
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