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Bcj245 q2

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BCJ245 - Computer Forensics And Cyber Crime

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BCJ245 - Computer Forensics And Cyber Crime
Question 2: Outline some of the advantages of engaging in virtual terrorist activity
compared to real world versions. What factors make the cyberterrorism easier or more
effective? Give a fictional example of a terrorist action that would be more easily
achieved through the internet.
Terrorists prefer to finance their operations using pre-established websites and
communication channels. Money is sent electronically. Wire transfers, such as Skype, PayPal,
and payment cards are all popular methods of communication. Terrorists utilize the Internet to
disseminate information and give alternative training. Additional platforms include video clips,
guidance, blueprints, manuals, and audio clips that advise trainees on how to accomplish
certain tasks. These websites include more information in various languages and formats on
how to join terrorist groups, manufacture bombs, and other weapons, organize and carry out
coordinated terrorist attacks, and spreading problematic information (UNODC, 2012).
Terrorists may practice and share intelligence-coded messages on these forums. This enables
terrorist groups to expand into new territories. Numerous convicted terrorists have confessed
to cyber terrorism. Their activity planning is primarily reliant on remote communication
technology between many or numerous individuals. Cyber terrorism is gradually establishing
itself as a viable attack strategy for terrorists. To begin, it is a less expensive and time-
consuming method of conducting attacks than traditional methods (UNODC, 2012). Terrorists
need just a computer and access the Internet to carry out their schemes. They are not required
to own explosives, cars, or guns. Computer and phone viruses may be spread through telephone
lines, cables, or wireless transmissions. Second, cyber terrorism is more anonymous than other
forms of terrorism (UNODC, 2012). Criminals regularly use fictitious names, IP addresses,
and identities or even log in anonymously on other websites, making it more difficult for
security personnel to track them down. Cyber-terrorism has no checkpoints or impediments,

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1 BCJ245 - Computer Forensics And Cyber Crime Name Institution Course Instructor Date 2 BCJ245 - Computer Forensics And Cyber Crime Question 2: Outline some of the advantages of engaging in virtual terrorist activity compared to real world versions. What factors make the cyberterrorism easier or more effective? Give a fictional example of a terrorist action that would be more easily achieved through the internet. Terrorists prefer to finance their operations using pre-established websites and communication channels. Money is sent electronically. Wire transfers, such as Skype, PayPal, and payment cards are all popular methods of communication. Terrorists utilize the Internet to disseminate information and give alternative training. Additional platforms include video clips, guidance, blueprints, manuals, and audio clips that advise trainees on how to accomplish certain tasks. These websites include more information in various languages and formats on how to join terrorist groups, manufacture bombs, and other weapons, organize and carry out coordinated terrorist attacks, and spreading problematic information (UNODC, 2012). Terrorists may practice and share intelligence-coded messa ...
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