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Eng2206 Quiz

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Troy University
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1. Fill in the missing word: "... the behavior of these animals was so orderly and rational,
so acute and judicious, that I at last concluded, they must needs be _____."
A. magicians B. Yahoos C. angels D. robots
2. The more Gulliver gets to know the Yahoos, the more he _____.
A. resembles them B. sympathizes with them C. detests them D. talks with them
3. What makes the Master Houyhnhnm curious about Gulliver?
A. How he acquired reason B. Why he likes the company of Yahoos C. Why he walks
on two legs D. Why he longs to go home
4. In their own language, what does "Houyhnhnm" mean?
A. Horse B. Creature of Reason C. the Perfection of Nature D. Human being
5. What creatures the Yahoos seem to hate more than any other creature?
A. Horses B. other Yahoos C. the Master Houyhnhnm D. Cows
6. Identify: "the thing which is not."
A. lies B. Yahoos C. reason
7. What to the Yahoos find in the fields that they covet and prize?
A. arrowheads B. eatable insects C. shining stones D. fire sticks
8. The Houyhnhnm language has no word for _____
A. Love B. Friendship C. Children D. Yahoo
9. What attacks Gulliver while he's bathing in the river?

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1. Fill in the missing word: "... the behavior of these animals was so orderly and rational, so acute and judicious, that I at last concluded, they must needs be _____." A. magicians B. Yahoos C. angels D. robots 2. The more Gulliver gets to know the Yahoos, the more he _____. A. resembles them B. sympathizes with them C. detests them D. talks with them 3. What makes the Master Houyhnhnm curious about Gulliver? A. How he acquired reason B. Why he likes the company of Yahoos C. Why he walks on two legs D. Why he longs to go home 4. In their own language, what does "Houyhnhnm" mean? A. Horse B. ...
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