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Hmgt 400 Exercise 4

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Health & Medical
University of Maryland University College
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Ivan Terrero Jr.
HMGT 400
Exercise #4
Professor Mogjan Azadi

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Linear Regression Model
Exercise 4 offers two versions: EXCEL (base) and RStudio (BONUS)
Track 1 RStudio: If you have chosen to work with RStudio (1 % BONUS), please run the
following models and complete the following tables. See Track 2 below for EXCEL
1st Model:
Run a linear model and predict the difference between hospital beds (use the bed-tot) and
hospital’s ownership on hospital net-benefit? Discuss your finding, do you think having higher
beds has positive impact on the hospital net benefit? What about the ownership?
There’s no significant difference between hospital beds and ownership on profit, public or other
hospitals. However, there is a higher number of beds increasing net benefits although there will
still be no difference since the p-values are more than 0.05, indicating no significant difference.
Model 1a
Hospital Characteristics
St. Err
Hospital beds
Non-for profit
2nd Model:
Now, estimate the impact of being a member of a system on hospital net benefit. And discuss
your finding (nor more than 2 lines). Is the result significant? Explain.
The impact of being a member is 5,270,455 or 0.000374 means the p-value is less than 0.05
indicating a significant difference. Higher system memberships are significantly higher which
has a positive effect on hospital net benefits meaning there’s an increase.

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Ivan Terrero Jr. HMGT 400 Exercise #4 Professor Mogjan Azadi 04/13/2020 Instructions Linear Regression Model Exercise 4 offers two versions: EXCEL (base) and RStudio (BONUS) Track 1 RStudio: If you have chosen to work with RStudio (1 % BONUS), please run the following models and complete the following tables. See Track 2 below for EXCEL 1st Model: Run a linear model and predict the difference between hospital beds (use the bed-tot) and hospital’s ownership on hospital net-benefit? Discuss your finding, do you think having higher beds has positive impact on the hospital net benefit? What about the ownership? There’s no significant difference between hospital beds and ownership on profit, public or other hospitals. However, there is a higher number of beds increasing net benefits although there will still be no difference since the p-values are more than 0.05, indicating no significant difference. Model 1a Hospital Characteristics Coef. St. Err Hospital beds 14959 1221 For-Profit -3075968 1935886 Non-for profit -3675084 2305366 Other -2451323 1747404 N 3029 R-Squared 0.04861 Ownership 2nd Model: Now, estimate the impact of being a member of a system on hospital net benefit. And discuss your finding (nor more than 2 lines). Is the result significant? Explain. The impact of being a member is 5,270,455 or 0.000374 means the p-value is less than 0.05 indicating a significant difference. Higher system memberships are significantly higher which has a posit ...
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