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Assessment Tools
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Assessment Tools
The assessment tool utilized to complete this discussion is the “Beck Depression
Inventory -second revision” (BDI-II). Psychiatrists employ this 21- component self-report
inventory to measure the feature attitudes and manifestations of depression. According to
Jackson-Koku (2016), the tool was revised to increase its consistency with the DSM-4 basis for
depression. The author established the questionnaire from clinical observation of viewpoints and
manifestations happening regularly in depressed mental health clients and unusually in non-
depressed clients. The tool taps somatic and psychological manifestations of two-week
depression episodes, as used in the DSM-IV basis.
“Psychometric Properties of Assessment Tools”
The BDI-II tool has high validity, reliability, and responsiveness. Renewal and rewording
of this tool to mirror DSM-4 basis for depression have improved its content validity. Experts
have found mean correlation coefficients of 0.72 and 0.60 between the clinical ratings of
depression and the BDI for mental health and non-mental health groups (Jackson-Koku, 2016).
The construct validity of the tool is favorable for the medical manifestations assessed by the
questionnaire, α = 0.93 for college learners, and 0.92 for mental health outpatients. The construct
validity analyzes how well particular psychological measure connects to measures of
supposition-driven constructs. Experts have shown high contemporaneous validities between the
questionnaire and other measures of depressive disorder. Standard validity of the tool is firmly
analogized with the “Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (r = 0.71)” with an internal consistency
of Cronbach’s α = 91 and a high seven days test-retest reliability r = 0.93 (Jackson-Koku, 2016).
Investigations on the concurrent validity of the tool with other self-reported depression scales
showed a moderate to high correlation coefficient with all scales, with a mean coefficient

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Running head: ASSESSMENT TOOLS 1 Assessment Tools Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation ASSESSMENT TOOLS 2 Assessment Tools The assessment tool utilized to complete this discussion is the “Beck Depression Inventory -second revision” (BDI-II). Psychiatrists employ this 21- component self-report inventory to measure the feature attitudes and manifestations of depression. According to Jackson-Koku (2016), the tool was revised to increase its consistency with the DSM-4 basis for depression. The author established the questionnaire from clinical observation of viewpoints and manifestations happening regularly in depressed mental health clients and unusually in nondepressed clients. The tool taps somatic and psychological manifestations of two-week depression episodes, as used in the DSM-IV basis. “Psychometric Properties of Assessment Tools” The BDI-II tool has high validity, reliability, and responsiveness. Renewal and rewording of this tool to mirror DSM-4 basis for depression have improved its content validity. Experts have found “mean correlation coefficients of 0.72 and 0.60” between the clinical ratings of depression and the BDI for mental health and non-mental health groups (Jackson-Koku, 2016). The construct validity of the tool is favorable for the medical manifestations assessed by the questionnaire, α = 0.93 for college learners, and 0.92 for mental health outpatients. The construct validity analyzes how well particular psychological measure conn ...
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