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Principles Of Management Case Applications 1

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Florida Atlantic University
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Principles of Management Case Applications
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Principles of Management Case Applications
Case Application #3
Teaming Up for Take-Off
10-22. These employees work in functional-work teams. It is a favourable environment
for them because they can manage themselves and push each other to their best capabilities as
they ensure that the work at hand is top-notch. Such a team is often able to accomplish tasks
faster because they have multiple minds focused on a single task at hand. It promotes individual
thinking as each member is tasked to produce ideas that can better the working of the team as
well as get solutions to problems (David R. Kozlow, 2014).
10-23. As a manager of these teams, I would foster for the teams to come up with both
short term a and long-term goals. Creating short term goals enables one’s vision to remain in
check and reduces the chances of being distracted or even getting upset about long-term goals. It
would be important for them to give incentives for teams that can achieve goals in time so that
the teams can always be motivated as they work and ensure that they maximize their time in the
10-24. A team leader is the most important person in a functional-work team set up. They
have the responsibility of spearheading the day-to-day workings of the team. The team goals
should be very dear to him as he is the one that is supposed to ensure that they come to life. He is
the one that makes the final decisions on tough subject matters and his word is final and should
be adhered to (David R. Kozlow, 2014). The team leader is responsible for any shortcomings that
are faced in the team and should take every burden placed upon the team upon himself if the
team is supposed to see any success.

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Running head: PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT CASE APPLICATIONS Principles of Management Case Applications Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT CASE APPLICATIONS Principles of Management Case Applications Case Application #3 Teaming Up for Take-Off 10-22. These employees work in functional-work teams. It is a favourable environment for them because they can manage themselves and push each other to their best capabilities as they ensure that the work at hand is top-notch. Such a team is often able to accomplish tasks faster because they have multiple minds focused on a single task at hand. It promotes individual thinking as each member is tasked to produce ideas that can better the working of the team as well as get solutions to problems (David R. Kozlow, 2014). 10-23. As a manager of these teams, I would foster for the teams to come up with both short term a and long-term goals. Creating short term goals enables one’s vision to remain in check and reduces the chances of being distracted or even getting upset about long-term goals. It would be important for them to give incentives for teams that can achieve goals in time so that the teams can always be motivated as they work and ensure that they maximize their time in the workplace. 10-24. A team leader is the most important person in a functional-work team set up. They have the responsibility of spearheading the day-to-day workings of the team. The team goals should be very dear to him as he is the o ...
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