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Youth Homelessness

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Capella University
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Youth Homelessness
Student’s Name
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Youth homelessness is a serious social issue in both the developing and the developed
countries. Youth homelessness has been a result of several problems; however, residential
instabilities, economic challenges, and family problems are the three main categories that have
contributed majorly to the increase in the volume of homeless youths. After a long period of
abuse, sometimes physical or sexual, resulting from strained family relationship or addictions,
many teenagers leave home in search of refuge and solution to the existent parental neglect.
In the United States, there are about 1.7 million homeless youths. This trend is not new,
and despite the recent downturn in the trend of teens running away from their homes, the
estimate still indicates that 20% of the youths below the age of 18 years will or have run away
from home at some point (Trawver et al., 2019). In my observation, youth homelessness has
been caused by five main factors, i.e. lack of affordable housing, poverty, unemployment,
substance abuse, and unemployment. My analysis of this might be biased due to the limited
scope of my observation and the lack of first-hand experience.
There are several kinds of bias in any form of research. Information bias which arises
from measurement errors, selection bias which is as a result of population sampling, and
confounding, which is a variable influencing both the research’s dependent and independent
variable. In my observation, I have committed selection bias due to the small population I have
observed without accurately sampling it. To mitigate this, the population of the study should
be selected randomly.

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Running Head: YOUTH HOMELESSNESS 1 Youth Homelessness Student’s Name Institution’s Affiliation Date YOUTH HOMELESSNESS 2 Youth homelessness is a serious social issue in both the developing and the developed countries. Youth homelessness has been a result of several problems; however, residential instabilities, economic challenges, and family problems are the three main categories that have contributed majorly to the increase in the volume of homeless youths. After a long period of abuse, sometimes physical or sexual, resulting from strained family relationship or addictions, many teenagers leave home in search of refuge and solution to the existent parental neglect. In the United States, there are about 1.7 million homeless youths. This trend is not new, and despite the recent downturn in the trend of teens running away from their homes, the estimate still indicates that 20% o ...
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