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Apple Inc. Annual Report Review

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Apple Inc. Annual Report Review
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Apple Inc. Annual Report Review
The following is a review of Apple Inc. financial statement for the fiscal year 2018 and 2019.
The report provides a narrative of the company's current and historical financial situation that
is useful in predicting the future outlook of the company (Apple Inc., 2020). This review is
based on the 2019 financial statement and reference to the previous years.
Return On Equity
Apple's return on equity for the fiscal year ending 2019 was 55.92%, an increase of 6.56% from
the fiscal year 2018 (Apple Inc., 2020). This is the highest ever recorded return on equity. An
increase in ROE means the company is utilizing shareholder's money well.
Return On Equity =
Net Income to common
average total common Equity
Fiscal year Net Income Equity ROE
2019-09-29 55.26 B 98.82 B 55.92%
2018-09-28 59.53B 120.60 B 49.36%
Return On Asset
Return on assets shows the efficiency of the company in utilizing its own assets to make profits.
Apple Inc. return on assets for the fiscal year 2019 was 15.69%, which is a decrease of 0.38%
from the fiscal year 2018. The company has an average return on assets, which means they are
utilizing assets efficiently.
Return On Assets =
Net Income
average total Assets
Fiscal year Net Income Total Assets ROA
2019-09-28 55.26B 352.12 B 15.69%
2018-09-29 59.53 B 370.53 B 16.07%

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Running head: APPLE INC. ANNUAL REPORT REVIEW Apple Inc. Annual Report Review Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 APPLE INC. ANNUAL REPORT REVIEW 2 Apple Inc. Annual Report Review The following is a review of Apple Inc. financial statement for the fiscal year 2018 and 2019. The report provides a narrative of the company's current and historical financial situation that is useful in predicting the future outlook of the company (Apple Inc., 2020). This review is based on the 2019 financial statement and reference to the previous years. Return On Equity Apple's return on equity for the fiscal year ending 2019 was 55.92%, an increase of 6.56% from the fiscal year 2018 (Apple Inc., 2020). This is the highest ever recorded return on equity. An increase in ROE means the company is utilizing shareholder's money well. Return On Equity = Fiscal year Net Income to common average total common Equity Net Income Equity ROE 2019-09-29 55.26 B 98.82 B 55.92% 2018-09-28 59.53B 120.60 B 49.36% Return On Asset Return on assets shows the efficiency of the company in utilizing its own assets to make profits. Apple Inc. return on assets for the fiscal year 2019 was 15.69%, which is a decrease of 0.38% from the fiscal year 2018. The company has an average return on assets, which means they are utilizing assets efficiently. Net Income Return On Assets =average total Assets Fiscal year Net Income 2019-09-28 55.26B 2018-09-29 59.53 B Total Assets ROA 352.12 B 15.6 ...
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