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Social Media Data Mining

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Louisiana State University
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Student Name Course Date     Businesses mine social media to collect data The information gives them competitive advantage in market place While mining data, business should be cognizant of ethical and legal issues Some of the data mining strategies are associated with consequences 1.       Updating Your SEO Strategy: Shaping effective SEO strategy is imperative if the business consolidates social media data. The organization concentrates on catch words and phrases that clients are looking for in social media. Organizations utilizes social systems alongside Bing and Google as web searching tools In 2012, Facebook took care of a billion search questions in a day In 2010, Twitter handled nineteen million looks in a month Businesses need social media data to control the market      The online image of the brand is crucial The U.S brands consistently lose close to $41 billion because of very low client support Each day, close to 2.1 million negative posts about brands is circulated daily Social media data disclose to the organization what is being said about the brand This helps in addressing clients issues 1. Basket Analysis  It helps in supporting brick-and-mortar stores to improve formats  Also, online firms like Amazon are able prescribe the related items  Basket analysis alludes to what people when shopping  It uses assumption that firms are able to anticipate conduct of future customers using past exe ...
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Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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