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Environmental Science
Oakton Community College
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Environmental Science
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Environmental Science
The Environmental Justice Movement With The Modern Environmental Movement
Environmental justice began in 1980 in the United States and aimed at mitigating
environmental racism. The environmental justice movement creates a platform where social and
ecological concerns on the environment can be addressed. Therefore, the campaign ensures that
malaises dominant culture, such as sexism and racism, are addressing their interests while also
ensuring environmental protection in their movement (Thomas, 2019). This is because most of
the minority and low-income earners are the most affected by environmental degradation issues.
This is because they are located near dumb sites, factories, and highways. The movement was
due to a lack of equity in the mainstream environmentalists as wealthy and privileged
communities dominated the movement. For example, in 1982, a dumpsite was proposed in a
black community, and the mainstream environmentalist group played no role in the objection of
the move by the government (Bullard et al., 2007). Therefore, the movement is more concerned
with environmental degradation among the minority groups.
On the other hand, the modern environmental movement in America began in 1960 to
1970s. At the start, the movement was more concerned about environmental issues and disasters.
Some of the main concerns that led to the formation of the movement is the oil spill in
California, the Bikini Atoll hydrogen bomb, and the use of insecticides and other chemicals
(Purdy, 2017). Through the movement, there is more concern about air and water pollution.
Some of the successes of the movement can be seen in the set standard by the government
concerning the environment. The movement is currently divided into three categories, which are
local, national, and international environmentalists (McCrea, 2006). Therefore, the similarities in
the movement are on their objective towards environment protection. The differences arise in the

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Running head: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Environmental Science Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2 Environmental Science The Environmental Justice Movement With The Modern Environmental Movement Environmental justice began in 1980 in the United States and aimed at mitigating environmental racism. The environmental justice movement creates a platform where social and ecological concerns on the environment can be addressed. Therefore, the campaign ensures that malaises dominant culture, such as sexism and racism, are addressing their interests while also ensuring environmental protection in their movement (Thomas, 2019). This is because most of the minority and low-income earners are the most affected by environmental degradation issues. This is because they are located near dumb sites, factories, and highways. The movement was due to a lack of equity in the mainstream environmentalists as wealthy and privileged communities dominated the movement. For example, in 1982, a dumpsite was proposed in a black community, and the mainstream environmentalist group played no role in the objection of the move by the government (Bullard et al., 2007). Therefore, the movement is more concerned with environmental degradation among the minority groups. On the other hand, the modern environmental movement in America began in 1960 to 1970s. At the start, the movement was more concerned about environmental issues and disasters. Some of the main concerns that led ...
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Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.
