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Northern Virginia Community College
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Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge: Roles and the Writing
by Betty S. Flowers
Professor of English and
Director of the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library
"What's the hardest part of writing?" I ask on the first day of class.
"Getting started," someone offers, groaning.
"No, it's not getting started," a voice in the back of the room corrects. "It's
keeping on once you do get started. I can always write a sentence or two-but
then I get stuck."
"Why?" I ask.
"I don't know. I am writing along, and all of a sudden I realize how awful it is,
and I tear it up. Then I start over again, and after two sentences, the same
thing happens."
"Let me suggest something which might help," I say. Turning to the board, I
write four words: "madman," "architect," "carpenter," "judge."
Then I explain:
"What happens when you get stuck is that two competing energies are locked horn to horn, pushing
against each other. One is the energy of what I'll call your 'madman.' He is full of ideas, writes crazily
and perhaps rather sloppily, gets carried away by enthusiasm or anger, and if really let loose, could
turn out ten pages an hour.
"The second is a kind of critical energy-what I'll call the 'judge.' He's been educated and knows a
sentence fragment when he sees one. He peers over your shoulder and says, 'That's trash!' with
such authority that the madman loses his crazy confidence and shrivels up. You know the judge is
right-after all, he speaks with the voice of your most imperious English teacher. But for all his
sharpness of eye, he can't create anything.
"So you're stuck. Every time your madman starts to write, your judge pounces on him.
"Of course this is to over-dramatize the writing process-but not entirely. Writing is so complex,
involves so many skills of heart, mind and eye, that sitting down to a fresh sheet of paper can
sometime seem
like 'the hardest work among those not impossible,' as Yeats put it.
Whatever joy there is in the writing process can come only when the energies are flowing freely-
when you're not stuck.
"And the trick to not getting stuck involves separating the energies. If you let the judge with his
intimidating carping come too close to the madman and his playful, creative energies, the ideas
which form the basis for your writing will never have a chance to surface. But you can't simply throw
out the judge. The subjective personal outpourings of your madman must be balanced by the
objective, impersonal vision of the educated critic within you. Writing is not just self-expression; it is
communication as well.
"So start by promising your judge that you'll get around to asking his opinion, but not now. And then
let the madman energy flow. Find what interests you in the topic, the question or emotion that it
raises in you, and respond as you might to a friend-or an enemy. Talk on paper, page after page,
and don't stop to judge or correct sentences. Then, after a set amount of time, perhaps, stop and
gather the paper up and wait a day.
"The next morning, ask your 'architect' to enter. She will read the wild scribblings saved from the
night before and pick out maybe a tenth of the jottings as relevant or interesting. (You can see
immediately that the architect is not sentimental about what the madman wrote; she is not going to
save every crumb for posterity.) Her job is simply to select large chunks of material and to arrange
them in a pattern that might form an argument. The thinking here is large, organizational, paragraph
level thinking-the architect doesn't worry about sentence structure.

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Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge: Roles and the Writing Process by Betty S. Flowers Professor of English and Director of the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library "What's the hardest part of writing?" I ask on the first day of class. "Getting started," someone offers, groaning. "No, it's not getting started," a voice in the back of the room corrects. "It's keeping on once you do get started. I can always write a sentence or two-but then I get stuck." "Why?" I ask. "I don't know. I am writing along, and all of a sudden I realize how awful it is, and I tear it up. Then I start over again, an ...
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