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Lhf Connect.edited

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Computer Science
Be'er Yaakov Talmudic Seminary
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Running head: LHF-CONNECT 1
Article analysis
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Article analysis
The Institute’s Editorial Staff in its article, “This Open-Source Robot Is Helping
Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Stay in Touch With Loved Ones," comprehensively explores
how a new technological development called LHF-Connect is changing the lives of COVID-19
patients in Italy and around the world. According to The Institute's Editorial Staff (2020), LHF-
Connect was developed by an Italian research team called Low-Hanging Fruits to help patients
of COVID-19 connect with their friends and relatives while being treated in the hospital. The
author notes that the researchers used commercially available parts such as a base and pedestal,
to build a robot that costs about the US $1,086 to build (The Institute's Editorial Staff, 2020).
The robot works through the help of a human operator (who is located away from the patient)
who initiates a three-way call by first calling the patient's family or friends and connecting it to a
mobile device located on the pestle next to the patient's bed. According to The Institute's
Editorial Staff (2020), some of the notable challenges facing the new technology is the lack of
reliable Wi-Fi connectivity inside hospitals. The author concludes his article by noting some of
the ongoing upgrades that will enable the robot to interact with the environment physically.

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Running head: LHF-CONNECT 1 Article analysis Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: LHF-CONNECT 2 Article analysis The Institute’s Editorial Staff in its article, “This Open-Source Robot Is Helping Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Stay in Touch With Loved Ones," comprehensively explores how a new technological development called LHF-Connect is changing the lives of COVID-19 patients in Italy and around the world. According to The Institute's Editorial Staff (2020), LHFConnect was developed by an Italian research team called Low-Hanging Fruits to help patients of COVID-19 connect with their friends and relatives while being treated in the hospital. The author notes that the researchers used commercially available parts such as a base and pedestal, to build a robot that costs about the US $1,086 to build (The Institute's Editorial Staff, 2020). The robot works through the help of a human operator (who is located away from the patient) who initiates a three-way call by first calling the patient's family or friends and connecting it to a mobile device located on the pestle next to the patient's bed. According to The Institute's Editorial Staff (2020), some of the notable ch ...
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