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Literature Review on Qualitative Methodology
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Literature Review on Qualitative Methodology
Research is an activity that involves systematic investigation into a phenomenon to gain
some new knowledge about it. A research activity may employ qualitative methodology in which
qualitative techniques and methods are used to explore a phenomenon (Yin, 2003). In this case,
qualitative data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted using some specific methods. A researcher
has several options to consider when developing a qualitative methodology to be used to make an
effective qualitative inquiry. As noted by Patton (2015), several considerations have to be made
when making decisions about different aspects of qualitative methodology, including the research
design and the methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation. This paper compares and
contrasts the arguments from different reputable authors concerning the development of a
qualitative methodology to be used in a systematic inquiry.
Literature Review
The sources reviewed have relatively similar scopes and depths, with slight variations. The
scope of the book titled Becoming qualitative researcher: An introduction” by Glesne (2016)
covers the philosophy of research, research design, and research methods. This publication covers
most of the elements of qualitative methodology and related considerations that need to be made.
More attention has been given to research epistemology and research design. While Glesne (2016)
provides some details on research methods, she gives relatively less information on how to
implement the various methods as compared to Yin (2011) and Yin (2003). Glesne (2016),
however, explores in fine detail the philosophical foundations that underpin qualitative
methodology options and research designs. Such philosophical foundations include naturalism,
critical realism, and relativism among others.

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Running head: LITERATURE REVIEW ON QUALITATIVE METHODOLOGY Literature Review on Qualitative Methodology Student Name: Professors Name: Institution: Date 1 LITERATURE REVIEW ON QUALITATIVE METHODOLOGY 2 Literature Review on Qualitative Methodology Research is an activity that involves systematic investigation into a phenomenon to gain some new knowledge about it. A research activity may employ qualitative methodology in which qualitative techniques and methods are used to explore a phenomenon (Yin, 2003). In this case, qualitative data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted using some specific methods. A researcher has several options to consider when developing a qualitative methodology to be used to make an effective qualitative inquiry. As noted by Patton (2015), several considerations have to be made when making decisions about different aspects of qualitative methodology, including the research design and the methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation. This paper compares and contrasts the arguments from different reputable authors concerning the development of a qualitative methodology to be used in a systematic inquiry. Literature Review The sources reviewed have relatively similar scopes and depths, with slight variations. The scope of the book titled “Becoming qualitative researcher: An introduction” by Glesne (2016) covers the philosophy of research, research design, and research methods. This publication covers most of the elements of ...
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