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Human Resource
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Human Resource
1. Chapter 9
One of the key takeaways I got from chapter 9 is that a company's general productivity can
be increased by matching the functions of human resources with the company's objectives. There
is a tremendous amount of change taking place in the corporate sector. Technology and business
economics change on a regular basis. A company's human resources department is exclusively
responsible for helping the company adapt to constant change. As part of the change
management strategy, it is important to help employees better understand their obligations and
take into account the business viewpoint (Stone, Cox & Gavin, 2020). Regardless of talents or
traits, nearly every employee is expected to go through training at some point in their career
because of the variances between each firm. All new employees must be made aware of the
company's policies and procedures throughout the onboarding process. This strategy ensures that
all members of the team are on the same page.
The human resource management system serves as a component of its overall
responsibility for employee development. Employee retention, training, compensation, and
benefits may all help a company succeed by ensuring that the best people are hired and retained.
Employees in the company's human resources department have a major obligation to maintain
healthy working relationships. Seminars and other formal events for the company's management
are the responsibility of the staff in the human resource department. In addition, Human
Resource aids in the formulation of marketing plans and corporate goals.
2. Diversity of Thoughts

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1 Human Resource Course name Student name Course code Student ID number Institution Affiliation 2 Human Resource 1. Chapter 9 One of the key takeaways I got from chapter 9 is that a company's general productivity can be increased by matching the functions of human resources with the company's objectives. There is a tremendous amount of change taking place in the corporate sector. Technology and business economics change on a regular basis. A company's human resources department is exclusively responsible for helping the company adapt to constant change. As part of the change management strategy, it is important to help employees better understand their obligations and take into account the business viewpoint (Stone, Cox & Gavin, 2020). Regardless of talents or traits, nearly every employee is expected to go through training at some point in their career because of the variances between each firm. All new employees must be made aware of the company's policies and procedures throughout the onboarding process. This strategy ensures that all members of the team are on the same page. The human resource management system serves as a component of its overall responsibility for employ ...
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Very useful material for studying!
