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Option #2: Leadership Spokesperson, Entrepreneur, Leader and Negotiator Roles
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Option#2: Leadership Spokesperson, Entrepreneur, Leader and Negotiator Roles
For more than a hundred years, leadership is a critical issue with management. According
to Lussier and Achua (2015), corporations spend millions in training and education because
leadership development is considered a competitive advantage and would attract positive returns.
Tim Cook is one leader that has given Apple its competitive edge in the market. His charismatic
nature and unique style of leadership have retained Apple’s position at the top. Referring to the
case “From Steve Jobs to Tim Cook-Apple,” this discussion will include a summary and a
synthesis of the case, a description of key elements in leadership, leadership roles and skills, and
the reason why Apple remains afloat even after Steve Jobs.
Case Summary and Synthesis
The case study “From Steve Jobs to Tim Cook-Apple,” describes leadership transition
from Steve Jobs as the founder of Apple to Tim Cook, Apple’s current CEO. Jobs made the
cover of Wall Street articles and ranked the best CEOs several times. His greatest strength was in
his ability to influence. He influenced five major companies, these are, in Mac computers,
Hollywood Pixar, iPod Music, Apple retailing, and in the wireless telecommunication iPad and
iPhones (Lussier & Achua, 2015). The incoming CEO, Tim Cook, clearly had big shoes to fill.
Tim Cook when entering this position, was met with criticism of whether he would
continue keeping Apple afloat or it will sink as anticipated. His style of leadership, unlike Job’s,
was more operation focused and dealt less with emotional attachment (Lussier & Achua, 2015).
Cook’s strength was in the emphasis on corporate philanthropy, that is, through social
responsibility that Steve Jobs did not support (De Ruiter et al., 2018). Under Cook’s leadership,

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Running head: OPTION #2: LEADERSHIP ROLES 1 Option #2: Leadership – Spokesperson, Entrepreneur, Leader and Negotiator Roles Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date OPTION #2: LEADERSHIP ROLES 2 Option#2: Leadership– Spokesperson, Entrepreneur, Leader and Negotiator Roles For more than a hundred years, leadership is a critical issue with management. According to Lussier and Achua (2015), corporations spend millions in training and education because leadership development is considered a competitive advantage and would attract positive returns. Tim Cook is one leader that has given Apple its competitive edge in the market. His charismatic nature and unique style of leadership have retained Apple’s position at the top. Referring to the case “From Steve Jobs to Tim Cook-Apple,” this discussion will include a summary and a synthesis of the case, a description of key elements in leadership, leadership roles and skills, and the reason why Apple remains afloat even after Steve Jobs. Case Summary and Synthesis The case study “From Steve Jobs to Tim Cook-Apple,” describes leadership transition from Steve Jobs as the founder of Apple to Tim Cook, Apple’s current CEO. Jobs made the cover of Wall Street articles and ranked the best CEOs several times. His greatest strength was in his ability to influence. He influenced five major companies, these are, in Mac computers, Hollywood Pixar, iPod Music, Apple retailing, and in the wireless telecommunication ...
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