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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
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CX Technology Expansion
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CX Technology Expansion
How should Albert Ting evaluate his options?
Particularly, business expansion is central to allowing the sustainability of a company in
the ever-competitive business world. One of the porters' five forces that may influence the
performance of a business is the threat of new entrants who are producing similar goods to those
of a particular company (Bruijl, 2018). The case of CX Technology represents a scenario
whereby a probable usurpation may occur in the future if the status quo in operation is
maintained. The company has managed to dispel the threat of competitors by maintaining quality
products in the manufacture of speakers, but this is against a backdrop in the number of
automobiles that are produced by the manufacturing companies. Therefore, addressing the future
expected demand of speakers is critical through delving into the production of other products. As
a result, the chairman of the company, Albert Ting, has a number of brave decisions to undertake
that should be well calculated to allow an effective transition from the reliance on a similar
customer type to a more expansive scope of clients.
Therefore, Albert Ting has some tough decisions to make, and these should be guided by
the various dictates that direct the expansion of businesses to the international realm.
Fundamentally, the chairman should consider the availability of cheap labor as a critical mean of
lowering the cost of production. As indicated, the primary expected buyer of the companies'
automobile products is the United States major producers such as Ford (Bhole, Lee, Lu & Sen,
2009). These firms, as a result of the great recession, are keen on operating at low costs as a
means of staying afloat during the tough economic times. In that regard, setting up
manufacturing firms in Vietnam is a valid idea which should be piloted and supported with all
the required resources to increase its chances of success (Bhole et al., 2009). While the thrill of

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1 CX Technology Expansion Student's Name Professor's Name Course Code Date 2 CX Technology Expansion How should Albert Ting evaluate his options? Particularly, business expansion is central to allowing the sustainability of a company in the ever-competitive business world. One of the porters' five forces that may influence the performance of a business is the threat of new entrants who are producing similar goods to those of a particular company (Bruijl, 2018). The case of CX Technology represents a scenario whereby a probable usurpation may occur in the future if the status quo in operation is maintained. The company has managed to dispel the threat of competitors by maintaining quality products in the manufacture of speakers, but this is against a backdrop in the number of automobiles that are produced by the manufacturing companies. Therefore, addressing the future expected demand of speakers is critical through delving into the production of other products. As a result, the chairman of the company, Albert Ting, has a number of brave decisions to undertake that should be well calculated to allow an effective transition from the reliance on a similar customer type to a more ex ...
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