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The Importance of Management in an Organization Essay

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Management and Its Importance
Rebecca B. Birch

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Management and Its Importance Rebecca B. Birch Many organizations have the tendency to fail to acknowledge the need for proper management to maintain efficiency in the business. A business cannot survive without management as it is the means of support. Management is concerned with acquiring maximum prosperity with minimum efforts and is essential wherever group efforts are required to be directed towards achievements of common goals. There is no more important area of human activity than management since its task is that of getting things done through others. A good manager will not ask employees to do something that he/she may not do himself/herself. In true sense, effective management involves directing and organizing people or resources under one’s influence, to ensure better co-ordination, productivity, and best possible positive output in any field. Proper management makes sure that each part of the company works towards achieving a common goal without disarray. Management plans, executes, and balances the resources of a company in such a way that there is maximum work output to attain the goals of organization swiftly, while retaining work quality. Without the qualities ...
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