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BUS 600 AU Techonology Impact in Business Communication Discussion

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ashford university
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Week 3 discussion 1
In a 250-300 word response, analyze how the use of technology has impacted organizational
communication both positively and negatively. How has technology impacted the verbal and
nonverbal cues used in interpreting messages? Provide examples to support your position. Use at
least one resource to support your key points. Offer some additional ideas to others in this class
by responding to at least two of your fellow students' posts.
The use of technology in an organization has its positive and negative effect on the company.
Some of the positive effect on the company are being able to reach customers, co-workers and
vendors more quickly to help with the efficiency of the business operations. Another great
advantage is a communication log. It is easier for a company to keep track of emails, text
messages and also phone conversations. One of the favorites is being able to be a mobile worker.
What this means is that you are able to work from home and still do your job diligently. The
negative effect of technology brings a lack of relationship building. In an article, Leonard states
“technology has reduced the amount of face-to-face interaction or the number of actual telephone
conversations that people have.” (Leonard, 2019) This could cause an issue with communication
because without certain expressions, people might not understand what is being said. Some other
negatives that cause impact to a company can be informal communication. Informal
communication address how you communicate with others in the office, customers and vendors.
If you create an informal email to someone, that can be seen as unprofessional. To most a written
correspondence is more professional then and email or text.
All of the information above also focuses on nonverbal and verbal communication. Verbal
commination has to deal with coworkers sending text messages, emails or even online chat. This
allows the person who prefers this type of communication through technology to avoid having to
talk to someone they feel uncomfortable with or even to not show any nervousness to others.
Nonverbal communication is face-to-face and voice-to-voice, when we choose to use technology
over personal interaction then we start to lose how we are supposed to interact with one another.
People forget how to use eye contact when talking, the right tone, pitch and volume. Technology
is shaping our world on how to be verbal through the screens but it is making us lose our senses
on non-verbal and how to interact as people and not computers.
Leonard, Kimberlee. (2019, February 04). What Are the Positive & Negative Effects of Using
Technology to Communicate? Small Business - Retrieved from

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Week 3 Discussion 2
In a 250-300 word response, describe a work report that you are required (or have been required)
to complete on a regular basis. How would you present the information related to this report in a
visual manner? Would a visual presentation enhance its effectiveness? Why or why not? Use at
least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students'
As the modern workplace becomes increasingly collaborative, effective communication will
become more important. This includes not only informal communication between coworkers but
also formal presentations to large audiences. Because the ability to interact one-on-one is greatly
reduced in large presentations, the use of tools such as visual aids can be very helpful in making
sure everyone is on the same page and that they remain engaged and retain the information
delivered (Richards, n.d) At the beginning of every month I create a budget report for all of my
project managers. This report consist of what amount of money they have for their project. It is
broken down in to subcategories by what they design needs, where they are at in the construction
phase, awards and also entering codes for the project manager’s time. All are these are displayed
on a spreadsheet with color coding. Green means that the project has enough fund, red means
there are low to none funds. Each project also has their different color assigned to them as well.
It looks a little like the picture below for each project. Having a visual like this is a positive thing
because it gives the PM’s a good look at what they have available in each category of their
project. Richards states that, “A picture is an effective way to describe a complex concept or
make a relationship between data points easier to understand. For example, discussing a firm's
market share relative to its competitors can be made much easier using a simple graphic, such as
a pie chart. Furthermore, the significance of changes over time, such as increased profits, can be
very effectively displayed using a time series bar or line graph.” (Richards, n.d)
Richards, Leigh. (n.d.). The Importance of Creating Effective Visual Aids in the Workplace.
Small Business - Retrieved from

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Week 3 discussion 1 In a 250-300 word response, analyze how the use of technology has impacted organizational communication both positively and negatively. How has technology impacted the verbal and nonverbal cues used in interpreting messages? Provide examples to support your position. Use at least one resource to support your key points. Offer some additional ideas to others in this class by responding to at least two of your fellow students' posts. The use of technology in an organization has its positive and negative effect on the company. Some of the positive effect on the company are being able to reach customers, co-workers and vendors more quickly to help with the efficiency of the business operations. Another great advantage is a communication log. It is easier for a company to keep track of emails, text messages and also phone conversations. One of the favorites is being able t ...
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