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ENGLISH 101 Life and Tiny Black Bird Essay

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By: Jasmine Azeem
A tiny black bird flew to a place in England, the place in France, and the place in the
United States. The tiny black bird was no longer a baby. The big black mama bird taught her
baby everything about life. Now, the tiny black bird is flying to better things around the world.
On a fall season, the tiny black bird takes its first flight to a small green wooden city. The blue
skies give her power for great things. She knows where to go, she opens her long black wings
and soars. The big white clouds block the sun. There is no sun to shine on the tiny bird’s day.
Soon, enthusiasm turns to doubt. Her wings flap further down to the ground of failure. She looks
up to the blue sky and knows that she has fail. Then, she wonders, “was I right to have flown
from my nest?” The big clear wind blows the white clouds away. The sun is shining so bright on
this wonderful globe. The light gives the tiny black bird strength. Before her is the small green
wooden city and her future career. The place as lush, green, and nice as paradise. Minutes later,
blue, gold, and white tiny birds came next to the tiny black bird. Every bird has high expectations
to fly above the clouds without failure. Look, you can see the big brown oak treehouse. Every
green leaf is a room to learn different things. In front of the treehouse, big white owls wearing
glasses seem wise and passion while helping the tiny birds. The owls are watching the tiny birds
from the seat of Truth. Some of the white owls are a bunch of laughter. Some often cuss and
swear to the tiny birds. Some owls turn into red and colorful parrots and the tiny birds can never
shut them up. They chatter away till the end of their time. But do not blame them, they are
leading us to our future. It’s raining outside on this wonderful globe. The owls are throwing
rocks after rocks on the tiny birds. The tiny black bird wish that she could stop the globe from
spinning. The snow comes in and freezes time at the treehouse. The gray rocks are covered up
through the white snow. The sun is up in the blue sky. The tiny birds turn into robins singing

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1 Life By: Jasmine Azeem A tiny black bird flew to a place in England, the place in France, and the place in the United States. The tiny black bird was no longer a baby. The big black mama bird taught her baby everything about life. Now, the tiny black bird is flying to better things around the world. On a fall season, the tiny black bird takes its first flight to a small green wooden city. The blue skies give her power for great things. She knows where to go, she opens her long black wings and soars. The big white clouds block the sun. There is no sun to shine on the tiny bird’s day. Soon, ...
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