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PH Scale Lab Report

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Henry Prosser
Unit 4 Project
Part I: Essential Questions
1. What is the pH scale? The pH scale is a logarithmic calculation that indicates the pH level of a
substance. It ranges from 0-14 with 7 being neutral.
2. How are acids and bases measured by a pH indicator? Acids are from 0-6, neutral is 7, and
bases are 8-14.
3. How are acids and bases different? Acids taste sour and bases taste bitter. Acids conduct
electricity in water. Bases can feel slippery when in water-based substances. Bases can also
conduct electricity in water-based substances. Some acids release hydrogen gas when reacting
with metals.
4. What types of substances are considered acids and bases? Some acids are stomach acids,
acetic acid, tomatoes, cherries, and soft drinks. Some bases are milk of magnesia, eggs, and
pH Lab
Henry Prosser 6/3/2020
Question: What is the acidity of common household items?
Hypothesis: I think that foods and liquids that we eat are going to be close to neutral. I think cleaning
solutions will be acidic. I also think citrus will be acidic.
1. First, in a chart, write down the names of the solutions to be tested. Predict the pH.
2. Next, us pH paper to test each solution. After you have put the pH paper in the solution, compare
the color to the key. Record the value.
3. Use a new strip of pH paper for each solution. Determine the pH of each solution and record the
4. When all the solutions have been tested, check your results.
Name of Substance
pH level
Acid, base, or neutral?
Oven Cleaner
Acidic- 4
Orange Juice
Acidic- 6

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Lemon Juice
Sea Water
Basic- 8
Soft Drink
Acidic- 6
My hypothesis was mostly wrong. The oven cleaner was acidic, but the drinks like orange juice and soft
drinks were both acidic. I did not realize that the things we eat are so far from neutral. I was also
unaware that antacids are strong bases.
Part III: Analysis questions:
1. What does the pH scale indicate?
The pH scale indicates whether a solution or substance is acidic, basic, or neutral. Acids and bases are
based on the levels of H3O+ and OH. The amounts of H3O+ and OH- can be small. Instead of doing
cumbersome calculations, the pH scale was created. This uses hydrogen ions in a logarithmic scale using
the equation pH= -log [H3O+]. A logarithm is based on the power of 10. A pH scale also indicates acids
and bases using color. The change of colors is known as a transition interval. The color change occurs
based on the amounts of HIn and In-. pH paper works because it is soaked in universal indicator solution.
pH can also be measured using a pH meter. This works by measuring the voltage of a solution that is
found between two electrodes placed in the solution. It measures the amount of hydronium ions because
the voltage changes as the concentration of these ions change.
2. What is an acid? Where are they found on the pH scale? What is a base? Where are they found
on the pH scale?
Neutral is 7. This is given the number 7 because its logarithm is 1*10^-7. For a solution to be neutral it
has to have an equal amount of H3O= and OH-. Acids have a pH of 0-6. The color ranges from red to
orange on pH paper. The more hydrogen ions that are present, the lower the pH number on the scale.
For a solution to be an acid, it has to have more H3O+ ions than OH- ions. Bases have a pOH of 8-14.
pOH means that it is measuring the negative of the logarithm for hydroxide ions. This formula is pOH= -
log [OH-]. For a solution to be a base, it has to have more OH- ions than H3O+ ions. Bases range in color
from green to blue then purple on pH paper.
3. Were any substances tested neutral? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

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6/13/2020 Henry Prosser Unit 4 Project Part I: Essential Questions 1. What is the pH scale? The pH scale is a logarithmic calculation that indicates the pH level of a substance. It ranges from 0-14 with 7 being neutral. 2. How are acids and bases measured by a pH indicator? Acids are from 0-6, neutral is 7, and bases are 8-14. 3. How are acids and bases different? Acids taste sour and bases taste bitter. Acids conduct electricity in water. Bases can feel slippery when in water-based substances. Bases can also conduct electricity in water-based substances. Some acids release hydrogen gas when reacting with metals. 4. What types of substances are considered acids and bases? Some acids are stomach acids, acetic acid, tomatoes, cherries, and soft drinks. Some bases are milk of magnesia, eggs, and seawater. pH Lab Henry Prosser 6/3/2020 Question: What is the acidity of common household item ...
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