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Jazz History Research Paper

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Henry Prosser
Unit 4 Lesson 3 Apply 1
At its inception, Jazz was revolutionary and impactful. In modern times, new genres of music
have emerged. One modern type of music is called ‘Dubstazz’. While dubstazz has been compared to
jazz, it also has several differences. Both jazz and dubstazz will leave their mark on history.
Jazz originated in the early 1920’s. It was created with influences of ragtime and blues music. It
was mainly created by African Americans. Hallmarks of jazz music include syncopation, improvisation,
and differing pitches. Jazz can be further broken down into subsections. These include New Orleans
style, swing, Dixieland, and light jazz. Dubstazz is also influenced by different styles of music and pulled
from them to create its unique style. It is created from dubstep, electronic music, and blues or jazz.
Dubstazz was developed in 2016. Like jazz, dubstazz appeals to many types of people. Que Magazine
states, “This genre’s been getting a lot of love from traditional and progressive fans.
While jazz is listed as a source of influence for dubstazz, they are different styles of music. There
was nothing electronic about jazz. Dubstazz borrows the wobbly bass from dubstep. This means that
there is an extended bass note that is controlled and manipulated electronically. Jazz was developed in
America and Dubstazz was created in America and England.
Jazz left a longstanding impact on society. Although created by African Americans, both black
and white people performed and enjoyed jazz. This helped to create unity between races that had been
tenuous for many years. Jazz was not only music but a culture. It influenced clothing, styles, movies, and
even attitudes. Jazz was part of the Harlem Revolution. Jazz even inspired books know as jazz literature.
Jazz artists are still household names like Louis Armstrong and Count Basie. Some felt that jazz was a
bad influence and encouraged drug use and poor morale choices. It is too early to speculate on the long
lasting effects of dubstazz as it has only been in existence for four years. I would assume, however, that
more and more electronic based music will continue as technology progresses.
Music has always played a key role in our society. As time has progressed, different forms of
music have occurred. Jazz was and still is a major music genre that was also an important cultural
movement. Dubstazz, while related to jazz, is an up and coming form of music.
Works Cited
“5 New Music Genres You Need To Hear in 2015.” Atom,
Baeble Music. “The 2010s' Most Exciting New Genres. Baeble Music, Baeble Music,
“Get with The Times: Music You'll Be Hearing More of in 2016. Que Mag, 13 Jan. 2017,
Schuller, Gunther. “Jazz.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 11 Mar. 2020,

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Henry Prosser Unit 4 Lesson 3 Apply 1 5/14/2020 At its inception, Jazz was revolutionary and impactful. In modern times, new genres of music have emerged. One modern type of music is called ‘Dubstazz’. While dubstazz has been compared to jazz, it also has several differences. Both jazz and dubstazz will leave their mark on history. Jazz originated in the early 1920’s. It was created with influences of ragtime and blues music. It was mainly created by African Americans. Hallmarks of jazz music include syncopation, improvisation, and differing pitches. Jazz can be further broken down into ...
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