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2020 Records Letters

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History Unit 4 Assessment
Henry Prosser
Dear Mr. Jones,
My team and I had the pleasure of watching your band play at the Record Center last Friday. I
am happy to report that we are interested in learning more about your music and potentially
representing you. As a company, 2020 records has a lot to offer and we hope that together we will be
the right fit for each other. We feel that we have a competitive benefits package and have the tools to
advance your band, the Covids. We also feel that we can help make the Covids have a top 10 album!
2020 Records is a great place to work. We offer benefits above and beyond those offered by
other companies. For example, we completely pay your health insurance and you will pay no deductible.
No portion of the health care will be taken out of your pay check. Of course, we also offer vision and
dental insurance. 2020 records also offers paid vacations. We understand that the life ‘on the road’
performing is strenuous and takes you away from your families for extended periods of time. This is why
instead of 2 weeks off to start, we offer 3 weeks off. As your time with us increases, so will vacation
time. We also offer sick time which will be accrued at a set rate.
2020 Records has a long history of working with the music industry union, The Performers
International. We have partnered with them on several projects and would encourage you to join. We
believe in fairness for all our employees.
Why partner with 2020 records? We have worked with artists such as The Students who have
won 3 Grammy awards since partnering with us. We will assign an agent to you so you have one person
to consistently look out for your best interests. Your agent will be responsible for booking gigs, publicity
events like signings and radio show interviews, and will be available to handle any issues you may
encounter while on tour. Another key advantage of 2020 records is that we will protect and enforce
your copyrighted music. Other labels make artists tackle this on their own, but we believe that the music
you make should solely belong to you and the record label.
2020 Records would like to know more about the Covids. Are you working on an album
currently? What do the Covids stand for? Where do you see your band going?
As you can see, 2020 records has a lot to offer you and your band. Please respond within two
weeks. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Henry Prosser
2020 Records, CEO

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Dear Mr. Prosser,
The Covids and I were very pleased by your offer. I’d be happy to tell you more about us. The
Covids are more than just a band. We represent the youth culture and try to bring awareness to social
issues. Our main focus is war and Imperialism.
Imperialism features in several of the songs on our album. Our song, Eastern Horizons, is about
the spirit of man to travel and explore. It is also talks how Americans have influenced other cultures in
Asia. We feel music like this is important because it reminds people my age to keep pushing boundaries
and to spread your dreams to foreign countries- not just limit yourself to the United States. Imperialism
also has caused problems. Not all of the countries that we as Americans travel to are happy to receive
our culture and war has ensued. But I believe that we are the best society and do have the most
potential to do the most good. Our music encourages this despite the risks.
War also features in our songs. Throughout history, war has occurred numerous times in many
different countries. Our songs discuss the warring nature of humanity. That’s why we named our album
In the Trenches. They talk about the price that soldiers pay both mentally and physically as a result of
interventionism. Although war is bound to continue to occur, that doesn’t mean we can forget about the
soldiers and the impact of war. As a society, we must rally behind our soldiers and our nation. Our most
popular song, Riot, talks about the effects on our nation after a war ended. It says that once the
government released control of the nation (no more rations, no current draft, and a decrease in
munitions production), that the citizens lost control and rioted. This has happened several times in the
past like the in 1919 during the Boston Police Strike and the riot caused by the Steel Strike. There were
also race riots during the Red Summer. The youth need to be aware of these issues so that we can
prevent them in the future.
I hope have answered your question and given you more insight on our band. We see ourselves
producing more music with strong and meaningful messages.
Scott Jones of the Covids
Dear Mr. Jones,
I have spoken with my colleagues at 2020 Records. After reviewing your music and your
correspondence, we would like to sign you and the Covids. We feel your alternative music has more
than a message, it has soul. More and more youth are drawn to music with a social cause. We feel that
because of this, your records will sell well. The masses are no longer happy to listen to songs only about
mundane daily problems. Your songs are edgy and demand an emotional response from the listener. I
am enclosing the paperwork for you to sign. We would like to offer you an investment package of
$300,000 with $75,000 immediately available. Please call my office to make an appointment to discuss
the monetary arrangements and go over the legalities.
Welcome to the 2020 Records family!

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History Unit 4 Assessment Henry Prosser 5/19/2020 Dear Mr. Jones, My team and I had the pleasure of watching your band play at the Record Center last Friday. I am happy to report that we are interested in learning more about your music and potentially representing you. As a company, 2020 records has a lot to offer and we hope that together we will be the right fit for each other. We feel that we have a competitive benefits package and have the tools to advance your band, the Covids. We also feel that we can help make the Covids have a top 10 album! 2020 Records is a great place to work. We offer benefits above and beyond those offered by other companies. For example, we completely pay your health insurance and you will pay no deductible. No portion of the health care will be taken out of your pay check. Of course, we also offer vision and dental insurance. 2020 records also offers paid v ...
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